Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Selling Up? These Tips Will Wow Potential Buyers When They View Your House

So you’re trying to sell your house? If you want a quick and easy sale, there are some tricks you should try out when potential buyers are viewing your home. Ready for that signature on the dotted line? Then these are all the stops you need to pull out during viewings.

Increase Curb Appeal

How does your home look from the outside? This will be the first thing viewers notice, and it will be what they base their first impression on. Make sure your front garden is neat and tidy. If it is summer, there should be plenty of flowers out on display. The building’s exterior also needs to be well maintained. If it is in need of some repointing, you should think about getting someone in to do it as soon as possible. If the outside of your property doesn’t look perfect, potential buyers could drive right by without even looking at the inside.

No Clutter

When viewers are looking around your home, they will try and imagine themselves living in the property. One thing that makes that very difficult to do is a lot of clutter. As the saying goes, ‘less is more.’ So keep ornaments down to a minimum on surfaces. It’s not just physical clutter that should be removed. You also need to change a cluttered decor. So, for instance, any decorative features that could be distracting or are very bold should be removed as well.

Add Homely Touches

It’s important to keep your home clutter-free, but it should also have plenty of homely touches. This will help it feel welcoming and inviting to viewers. There are a few items that potential buyers love to see in properties. Things like a fitted kitchen and wood burning stove always go down well. If possible, try and get these installed before your house goes on the market. If you already have a stove, make sure it is on during a viewing. That way, viewers know that it is in working order. If you need to fix yours, shop online for parts for your pellet stove.

Be Positive

When you are showing people around your home, it is important to be positive about the property. Even if you are moving out for negative reasons. After all, your home is now a product that you have to sell! And no one will want it if they only hear bad things about it. If the viewers ask you any questions about the house, always answer them. Don’t try and shy away from questions. Otherwise, they may think you have something to hide!


If you have pets in your home or are a smoker, it is a good idea to deodorize your home before anyone comes to look around. Even though you may not be able to smell anything, other people will instantly notice any bad odors as soon as they walk through the door. Go through your rooms with an air freshener to mask any bad smells and freshen the place up.

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