Thursday, October 6, 2016

Deciphering Degree Levels: The Different Types And What They Mean

Image source: Pexels

There are two sides of the fence when it comes to people’s thoughts on higher education. Some are pro-university, and some prefer to start in a junior position and work their way up the career ladder. There are obviously many careers that require complex and long degrees. These include law, medicine, architecture and veterinarians. But there are other degrees such as English Literature, Business, Media and Geography which aren’t necessarily needed for certain jobs. But a degree in these subjects will stand you in good stead and still make an impact on your CV. No matter what side of the fence you are on, it’s still worth considering higher education. Let's take a look at the different types of degree levels out there, so you can decide if higher education is for you.

Associate Degree

These are two-year programs in the US and some parts of Canada, Hong Kong and Australia. They are considered to be a higher level of education than a high school diploma but less than a Bachelor’s Degree which is a four-year commitment. The equivalent in the UK would be a Diploma. Most people who take an Associate Degree are looking to enhance their technical skills in certain fields. This will give them better job prospects. Associate Degrees can be taken part time which allows you to work and earn money at the same time. You can take an Associate of Arts, an Associate of Science, an Associate of Applied Science or an Associate of Applied Arts Degree. Jobs that you can apply for with an Associate Degree? These include air traffic control, legal assistant, dental hygienist, and engineer.

Bachelor’s Degree

A Bachelor’s Degree usually last four years. On this undergraduate program, you will choose a major subject to study. This subject can be anything from communications to biology or finance to languages/literature. The four types are Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Applied Science. Apply for a Bachelor’s Degree if you know that the career you want requires one. Or if you are interested in continuing your higher education studies to further your future career prospects. Your Bachelor's Degree will require a lengthy dissertation in the final year. For this part of the course, it is worth investing in dissertation proofreading services to ensure your complex manuscript is free of all grammatical and punctuation errors. A degree at this level should be taken seriously as it another four years out of your adult life. Many choose to carry on at university for the social life and freedom on offer. But remember these degrees are expensive, so it is a time to study hard as you are shaving four years off of a salary you could be earning.

Master’s Degree

To apply for a Master’s Degree, you must already hold a Bachelor’s Degree. A Master’s takes 1-2 years and enables you to study further in a specialized subject. This is an intensive program that requires complex study and a high level of academic knowledge.  Many Master’s Degrees enable working professionals to continue a career while studying. So they also require dedication, motivation and a lot of hard work. A Master’s Degree is ideal for those that love academia and want to make a lasting impact on their CV. A Master’s Degree can also be undertaken if you wish to change direction in your career and need qualifications in a new chosen subject.


A Ph.D. stand for a Doctorate of Philosophy and is and intensive academic program that requires a lot of independent research. This is one of the highest degrees you can earn and will stand you in good stead for future career prospects. A Ph.D. is time-consuming, complex, intellectual and creative. You will need to complete a thesis in your chosen subject that shows original research in your subject matter.  Ph.D. holders will get higher salaries and will be able to work in academic research industry jobs. However, competition is tough and while you are doing your Ph.D. you will also have to get as much of your work published as possible.

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