Sunday, July 24, 2016

Giving the Trim Healthy Mama Plan a Shot (Before Pictures Too!)

I'm not sure where I first heard about Trim Healthy Mama, but I got the plan book and the cookbook months ago and actually packed them away. We are thinking about moving and are clearing shelves and boxing up things to make it easier when we have to hopefully move to our dream house on land in a rush, and those books made it into a box. Come to think of it, I probably saw the book in the little newsletter called Above Rubies that I get ... the THM sisters are in this big, lovely family and their parents publish the newsletter.

Anyway, my friend with 10 kids in her 40s who just had a baby recently was posting some of the Trim Healthy Mama plan foods she had around and she was down to a size 4. No joke. I mean, she is a small woman anyway, but still. Size 4.

Don't get me wrong. I am not aiming to be a size 4. The last time I was a size 4 was the day I was born. Just kidding. Even back when I was on Weight Watchers before they changed the plan on me and got rid of my activity tracking software I always said I just wanted to FEEL GOOD. To mean this means:

No joint pain in my 40s and beyond (I'm 45 and having knee and hip issues).

No crazy menopause journey.

No mood swings; more even and consistent temperament despite being a Gemini with potential ADD (wink).

ENERGY like I had when I was younger. I'm a writer and proofreader for my "side career" and happy to sit on my butt doing those things, but I have myself FIVE kids (who I homeschool) and a husband, and I need to be up and around with a lot of energy to keep my marriage fun and to keep my kids enriched and having a blast with life.

So I'm giving this a shot. It is a HUMONGOUS book but the cookbook looks amazing and fun. I just have to find the time to learn about new ingredients and make some new foods. This will be a challenge since I'm a pretty fast cook ... I don't love cooking/baking and prefer to be doing other things.

Also, I'm incorporating this plan into the lives of my entire family. I'm not going to make them have Stevia or anything unless I bake it into my own goodies, but why not some extra protein and less junk? I won't be a Food Nazi; don't worry. And most of the stuff is not frankenfood processed crap at all, so that rocks.

Here's some stuff I got at the store and then some stuff from the THM website.

Keep in mind I have not read the book yet but I am in some Facebook groups and also a friend said something about frozen cauliflower (make it into rice or bake it into crusts?) so I got some.

This has maltodextrin in it so I should not have gotten it. I'll bake with it then not buy anymore. I want to try the baking blend they have on the Trim Healthy Mama site. Their stuff is not expensive, but not cheap.

Got this at Price Chopper. It was like $10 for a small bag but you only need a teaspoon to thicken things up. Great for smoothies and things like gravy when you don't want to use flour. No, I don't think gluten is evil. Just trying out something new. It thickens the shakes in a great way so they stick to your ribs.
This goes in my shakes, but the kids also like it and it has 50% more calcium than milk and isn't much more expensive.

Lean meats, cottage cheese for my orange shake and some lettuce.

Carb Balance tortillas are on plan but expensive.

Orange shake but I put in a few strawberries!

Pressed peanut flour ... I put some in a mocha drink I made to make it taste better and it has a lot of protein.

20g protein per scoop and only 90 calories; goes in my shakes mostly

Not Naughty Noodles ... 0 net carbs but full of fiber
Just for fun, here are a couple of "before" shots at close to 154 pounds on a 5' 2" frame. Forgive the non-professional photography!

I didn't put my arm there to cover my top belly, but instead to illustrate back fat ;-)

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