Wednesday, June 1, 2016

How to Style Your Dorm Room Right

Practical interior DIY: how to style your dorm room right

Please enjoy this guest post while I take my girls for haircuts today and hang out at the pool doing meal planning and budgeting stuff!

Staying in dorms usually forms the best memories in life. College life is the craziest one. You learn and have so much fun in those years. It’s like the last phase of fun, enjoyment, and carelessness before you enter the practical world. Your ultimate goal should be to have fun and enjoy the time there. One way to do that is by making your dorm room pretty cool so that your friends would want to hang out there most of the time and you can have a blast while studying or just gossiping. We have a few tricks for you to make your dorm room chic and happening. Don’t worry, we will not suggest anything crazy; all these tips are pretty practical and handy. Here we go;

Storage Baskets

You don't get the most space in dorms and you will find yourself always short of space. Storage baskets can be a good solution for that. You can get three and put them under your bed to store different stuff. They will feel like magic as you will have more space and all the things that used to lie around here and there in the dorm will have a proper place.


Dorms and books are a pretty understandable combination. So you should have a bookshelf to store all the books there. Even if you are not a fan of books generally, there will be plenty of course books. So keeping your books organized and in place is a good idea. Bookshelves always look a bit heavy due to the clash of different book covers. You can avoid this clash by arranging your books in accordance with their colors.

Study Lamps

Study lamp is a must in a dorm room but rather than going for a boring study lamp, find a unique and unusual lamp that can bring energy to your study table.


We all know students don’t get to sleep much. They are always short on sleep. So whatever number of hours you get to sleep, buy quality quilts to enhance the experience. Also, you can buy some fun and peppy quilts to add oomph to your bed. It’s hard to find such quilts online in Australia but is a perfect place to get best collection online quilts. Another online store in Australia which sells quilts online in best price and quality is IZZZ.

Motivational Posters/Frames

Student life and motivation go hand in hand. It is the most clichéd way to decorate the dorm but you should get a poster or frame for your dorm as it will help during exams or bad days.

Cushions/Pillows for the floor

Since you want the dorm to be welcoming to your friends, setting up a sitting area on the floor with the help of cushions or pillows seem like a fun idea. You can get different ideas online depending on the available space in your room.

Fancy Alarm Clock

If you are a student, you should never underestimate the power of an alarm clock. You mobile phone can serve as an alarm clock too but the real thing is matchless. Also, a fancy alarm clock adds design personality to the area. You can get a vintage or digital clock for the side table in your room.

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