Thursday, December 26, 2019

Practicing What I Preach: Writing for Regional Parenting Magazines!

Originally posted October 6, 2014 and updated at the bottom!

Here is a link to Pittsburgh Parent Magazine and TWO articles I have in there this month (October)  (Halloween Traditions and Pumpkin Decorating)! Guess how much I got for both of these reprints? $75! Yes, for something I wrote a year ago and have been selling ever since, I got a decent amount of money and it is going to help pay something off this month faster than we planned!

Have files of article reprints that you own but have no clue where to start reselling them? Have ideas for some fantastic new pieces but no idea who might want them? Check out my 386-page PDF of tips, tricks, and insider information, as well as 384 paying parenting and family markets for only $9.99! Just head to this page to download How to Get Published (and Paid!) Writing About Your Kids and get started immediately!

Sign up for an email subscription to The Published Parent and get two amazing freebies: 10 Parenting Markets That Pay $100+ and 10 Markets That Pay Writers to Write About Writing! And join my Facebook group called Parenting Magazine Writers ... it's FREE and full of tips and tricks and markets and like-minded writer friends!

Updated December 26, 2019:
Still going strong on writing for magazines, and I really enjoy it! Not only do I love the writing and the sharing of parenting tips and tricks, but the checks that arrive in my mailbox and PayPal account sure are helpful when Christmas rolls around! 

This month I was in Kansas City Parent and others, and when I checked a moment ago, looks like Kansas City Parent used one of my pieces for January 2020 as well, so that's pretty exciting.

You can find me on Facebook in the writing group I mentioned above, and also you can grab your freebies over at The Published Parent.

Hoping 2020 is your most successful writing year yet!


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