Thursday, April 10, 2014

HuluPlus Review

I have not had cable TV in a million years. Mr. Kerrie won't let us get it. He probably knows we would veg out in front of it too much. Or maybe we wouldn't. I don't know. The thing is, we would also need a DVR because we are on the go so much and I would want to record a few of my favorite shows. I don't have many. I don't have the time to watch a lot of TV. I just want to chill sometimes in the morning with The Real Housewives on in the background while I'm writing or doing some mindless thing online that counts as work while the kids sleep.

So my mom has been VIDEOTAPING shows for me since about 2001. For real. Yes, she is a freaking saint for doing so. Back when I had a nursling who would crash out on me, blissfully keeping me on the couch, I adored having tons of shows on tape to watch.

I would love for her to be able to stop taping stuff for me. I feel bad that she is still doing it so I can get my Housewives or Flipping Out or MadMen fixes.

So I signed up for my free two weeks on HuluPlus and if you sign up with me, we both get free weeks from here on out! Up to a full free year!

So far I've noticed that HuluPlus has the current season of The Real Housewives of New York City and also they have some great movies I have put in my queue for someday when I am not going insane with writer-y projects swimming in my brain! They are great with a lot of network shows, but I notice they are hit or miss with some of the cable shows ... like you can get season 2 of something but no other seasons ... nothing from season 1 and nothing from the current season 4 or whatever.

They do have a lot of great shows for kids, while I hear people who have Netflix get tired of not having a lot of streaming choices.

Here's the link to sign up using my referral code. If you sign up after the free trial, I get two weeks free and YOU GET TWO WEEKS FREE! Then you can be like me and start assaulting people with your own referral code!

I'd love to know what you think about this ... I had tried Netflix and it did not have all that we wanted. Nothing will, most likely.

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