Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Happy 11th Birthday to Michael!

This is my second-born punkin, Michael Aron. He is half in a hole that his dad dug for a fence he was moving. Michael is my zen kid ... happy to hang around the house and play Legos. Super honest. Super smart. Practical.

I about started crying in Hyvee the other night when I had to pick out candles ... two number ones to make 11. How can he be that old? I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday.

I love you, Michael! I hope you have a great day hanging with your friends and Tutu and Cathy and having Pizza Hut for lunch and Daddy's spaghetti and meatballs with Texas toast for dinner. And pies!

I know you had a blast yesterday with Poppy and Nana having Five Guys Burgers and Fries and then picking out a gift at the Lego store.

You are a joy to us!

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