Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving 2013!

I am grateful today for too many things to even list, but I'll go ahead and do a few!

Obviously I'm thankful for my awesome, fun marriage of 15 years,which is still going strong. I'm thankful for my five healthy, awe-inspiring children. I am thankful that my parents and Aron's are alive and well.

I am thankful for new friends and old and those with potential.

For a place to live, a car to drive, a way to make money from home.

For food, a furnace that works after 47 years, clothing, a library card.

For the freedom to homeschool.

My husband is amazing in the kitchen. He has spent a lot of time working on today's meal. He loves to cook and I let him take it over. He was so excited that he got a roasting pan with rack like this one at Macy's yesterday for nine bucks!

My mom and stepdad are coming over to share the meal with us. Please pray for my Grandma Sue while she goes through surgery tomorrow.

I sincerely pray that you have a fabulous day today. Good food and relaxation and love!

Happy Thanksgiving! (and I wouldn't be me without leaving you with a funny!)

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