Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Christmas Shopping: My Kid's Favorite Toys Site

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and it's time to start thinking about Christmas shopping, whether you are in denial or not. I'm not telling you to run out and do Black Friday shopping. I'm telling you to sit on your butt and shop at home like I try to do as often as possible! I think my kids are starting to figure some stuff out when the mail comes and I run it up to my closet.

Okay, so check out this site My Kid's Favorite Toys ... I love it because it gives me so many great ideas for my kids for Christmas shopping. I already have some things for the kids but I need more ideas! And family is asking for gift ideas for the kids. I'm often at a loss as to what kind of ideas to give them. I want presents to be a surprise if it can work out that way, so I scanned this site for some great ideas. See what you think!

If you don't know where to start, check here for the top toys of 2013, according to WalMart, KMart and ToysRUs.

My girls are starting to want some of the Lego and Friends sets, like this one:

Samuel is all about trains and this Thomas set is perfect!

And check this out! Nerf finally got a clue like Lego did and now they make stuff in pink!

This site helped me to discover all sorts of new things that my kids might like for Christmas. I'm going to be spending a lot more time on there. I love the search box, that you can shop by brand, by tag, by type of toy and more. I'll be heading back here for birthday ideas for all of my own kids and for the kids of my friends when it's birthday party time next year!

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