Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanks-o-ween!

This  picture is for my friend Smoosh, who I have known forever, as in BEFORE I GOT MARRIED. We worked together at a public relations firm and were both secretaries who ended up having a much better time as stay-at-home-moms sharing a breast pump and other gross secrets. She said her son looked over her shoulder when she was reading The Kerrie Show (like a good friend should!) and wanted to know what my kids were for Halloween.

Laptop issues prevented me from posting in a timely manner, so here you go on Thanksgiving: the picture of my kids at the church Trunk or Treat. It was COLD here in the Midwest, so they are a bit covered up! Here's your cheat sheet:

Joel was a leopard with taped-on spots because his mom is too lazy and cheap to sew or buy a costume.

Michael was a wizard (recycled costume and hand me down from a friend).

Callie was a "skating queen" (hey, whatever floats your boat and I don't have to come up with a creative idea for).

Eva was a ghost, using a trash bag and a Sharpie, costume by Michael. A neighbor asked if she was wearing a trash bag (incredulous!) and I said she was going as White Trash this year.

Sam was a cow. Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP for a costume that has been used by ALL FIVE kids in my family? Take THAT, Green Movement!

No, I was not passed out drunk on the couch while they got dressed. Would that I could drink alcohol and enjoy it and not get a headache. I just like to let them use their imagination and get creative and find their own stuff to wear!

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