Friday, July 20, 2012

Sleigh All Day and Kerrie On: How do You Set Goals?

Yes, that's me over on the left on the morning of Christmas 2020 (super-fun top from Old Navy). I'm standing in front of a family tradition my kids instituted: the present wall that their dad has to get through after waking. My husband is always the last one up on Christmas Day—what's it like at your house?

But now Christmas has come and gone, and it's time to start thinking about how you're going to slay this year in all areas of your life.

I'm obsessed with planning, productivity and goal-setting. So tell me, how do you go about setting goals for work, marriage, family, mind, body, soul, household, finances?

One way I succeed in reaching some of my goals is to keep binders for pretty much everything. I've got a post coming up on that one because my binders keep me sane and come in varieties such as: Homeschooling, Household Reference, Christmas, Self-Ker, Business Finances, then separate binders for specific classes I teach at the homeschool co-op (Grammar/Comp and Modern World History one year; Literature and Personal Finance another year), as well as a general co-op binder since I'm on the committee and have many things to keep straight. 

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I've got a fun little cookbook available on Amazon in ebook and print formats, and soon it's going to be available on as an instantly downloadable PDF so you can print the recipe you want and run off to the kitchen to make it! It will also include some fun bonuses, like meal-planning worksheets, extra recipes (tots and desserts!), and more 😍

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