Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy Fall Sunday!

Whew. I've been busy this last week, so I'm taking a break! Check out my tons o' giveaways down the left side of the blog ... I have an addiction to giving things away ... who knew?

We had a garage sale, a day at the farmstead with friends, a NICU reunion at our local children's museum, an orthodontist appointment for Joel, Scouts and so much more!

I hope you are all doing well and are having a lovely fall day. Check in with me in the comments section ... I do read them all and get back when I can!

Come back Monday night for a Toys R Us gift card 6-hour flash giveaway from 6-12 EST. Then Wednesday night I'm having a Starbuck's gift card 6-hour flash giveaway, same Bat time, same Bat channel.

See you then!

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