Monday, September 3, 2012

A Day at the (Kansas) Beach

Yeah, I'm taking a break from Moshi Monster Mondays for a bit ... too many great giveaways going on and other cool happenings in our lives. I'd be happy to accept a guest post on Moshi Monsters stuff, though ... hint hint at those who love all things Moshi!

Happy Labor Day, by the way!

Today I'm showing some pictures of a recent day off Aron had and how we went to Melvern Lake in Kansas, about an hour plus from our home in Overland Park.

So you know how my laptop, Toshiba Laptop McLoughlin, is my 6th child? Well, these are my husband's 6th and 7th children. He saved up a long time for his modest fishing boat and rarely gets to take it out. Then it was time to get a new vehicle when his old truck crapped out. He needed something big enough to hold a big family and haul a boat. It guzzles gas and cost too dang much, but it does a good job and he loves it. Why shouldn't he have these things he works so hard for?

Just the boys went in the boat and met us over at the beach part. Don't freak out, haters, because YES, Joel put on his lifejacket immediately after this.

A ladybug for luck!

The kids had fun giving me a mud skin treatment. It was very relaxing to soak up some rays and get my skin all treated with ... uh, well, nasty lake mud.

Callie REALLY got into it and made sure to be thorough on my legs :-)

Me with all my kiddles at the beach. What an amazing day I will remember forever. And so great to spend time with Aron, as well, since he had been gone for so long.

Later Aron took just the older boys fishing and I went to a park in the area with the other 3 kids. This is an old-school slide for sure. The Slide of Death.

This picture will always make me want to cry a little bit. It is so beautiful. The end to a wonderful day! It was August 17 and we were honoring Great Aunt Eva's memory since she liked to fish with her husband Max.

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