Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Mommy Monday

Well, ya'll peoples, I can't find the cord thingie that goes from the computer to the camera, so I can't do what I wanted to do today. Instead, I'll just give you a little glimpse into my life on this Monday ...

We all slept in late. I wake up first, and this morning just lay in bed reading the third 50 Shades book. It's alright. Summer rocks when you don't have a "real" job!

My Jackie O costume came to review from Anytime Costumes. I haven't tried it on yet, but I know the skirt won't fit. So as we head off for what my friend Wendy calls liquid cancer (sodas at Sonic's Happy Hour) I am knowing I have to forego my usual 500-ounce vanilla coke. I believe it is time to get healthy and fit into my old summer clothes, folks. I'll let you know how that goes, since I'm hearing on the radio that after 40 it is practically IMPOSSIBLE to lose weight on your own.

This prompted the kids to drag out my carefully packed Halloween tub and dress up and do crafts while I paid bills.

They hung out in the new pool trio on the patio while I made lunch and did dishes and laundry.

Oh, the life of a kid!

I actually got in a shower, now am preparing to get a bike helmet for Joel on the way to his fencing lesson. Where is my other flippin' flip flop?

Later I'll take Joel to Scouts, come home, put away laundry, write a piece about making the teaching of manners fun and harp on the kids to clean out the van so their dad doesn't have to do it when he gets home (the harping). As a mom, I don't feel like I harp enough and I need to work on it.

Part of our lawn is dead and part is growing high. I would weed whack it if I knew how.

Yes, Aron is still gone. No, I don't know when he's coming home from Wyoming.

Don't worry, Moshi Monster fans! I'll be back next Monday with Perler Bead Moshi Monster creations! And we still have to discuss the game! Leave me any suggestions in the comments!

Hey, wanna win something? Go here to check out my prizes for the 12 Days of Christmas in July giveaway hop I joined.

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