Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Name is Kerrie, and I am a Mascara Addict

This begins the first meeting of MLA ... Mascara Lovers Anonymous. While it is true we just want to be beautiful and bat our long eyelashes at our men (well, I only have ONE man, for the record), we have come to know that our mascara stash has become unmanageable. This is a photo of my stash.

If you love learning about beauty products, you're going to love my Kerrie's Favorite Beauty Products post here!

Now, please let me explain and give you the brands so you know what to rush out and buy, fellow mascara addicts. 

I got Sexy Curves by Rimmell at the advice of Jordan. It is a good base, but doesn't add volume. 

Lacura is Aldi brand. It was cheap, so I wanted to try it. Not bad for a budget buy!

Colossal by Maybelline is OK paired with others. 

Lash Blast Fusion is just OK and it's by Cover Girl. 

Voluminous is my very very favorite, and it's by L'Oreal. I've used it forever, and it gives magnificent volume, like Kardashian lashes, like you're wearing fakes. Plus it doesn't need to be paired with anything else. I think I have 3 waterproofs (for summer) and 2 regulars currently in my makeup bag, which is just wrong.

Please share with me your faves!


  1. Full and Soft ny Mabelline is my fave, though in high school and college, I wore Voluminous.

    Falsies by maybelline is too gooey, leave it.

    Have never loved anything Cover Girl. :/

    I hear good things about Origins but have never tried it.

    Love, a fellow mascaraholic. (Tresa) xxo

  2. I have the makeup bag of a 12-year-old...with mascara and lip balm being the only things I MUST have daily! I have forever loved L'oreal Lashout (regular, not waterproof). However....i've been having trouble finding it in the stores! Yikes. I like the new L'Oreal 2-sided with the lash building now too - maybe it's called Extensity? If I ever get myself to a real makeup counter I want to try Diorshow which I've heard is amazing!


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