Saturday, July 30, 2011

McLoughlin Family Christmas Letter in July Written by Samuel!

It’s hard to cram the events of a year into one letter in December, and I think that’s why a lot of people don’t even attempt it. Since retail stores are having Christmas in July sales, I think it’s time to write a Christmas Letter in July. This one is written from the perspective of our own Samta Claus, Samuel Scott McLoughlin, aged to perfection at a mere 21 months.

What’s going on, family, friends, coworkers (fellow mess-making babies) and neighbors?
I’m gonna start this letter talking about my idol, my Da. As I write this he’s lying on the couch scratching his belly and reading Cook’s Illustrated magazine. He might switch it out later for a Woodworker's Journal. He likes to cook us yummy meals when he has time. He still works as an engineer and is a Scout leader. He built us a new swingset and fills our sambox (sandbox) with sand on a regular basis. He’s a good Da.

Ma got a laptop after she turned 40 and danged if she isn’t on it all the time writing down every move we kids make. She says it’s her 6th child and she puts a little blanket on it when we watch DVDs on it so we don’t get crumbs on the keyboard. I think I saw her nursing it one time, and I got mad because I still own those boobs. For fun and challenge, she gets her writing in more magazines every month, and still scrapbooks sometimes. She’s found a rockin’ local homeschool group on Facebook and is making friends. Here's a picture of her driving in her rental Mustang convertible that Da got her for her birthday weekend:

Dole (Joel) just finished a week of half-day gymnastics camp. He’s a swimming guru who goes off the high dive all the time. He and Da did a whole week of Cub Scout camp in June and enjoy shooting off their homemade water rocket. He turned 10 in June and got 2 hermit crabs from Jordan to put next to his hamster Daisy.
Bubby (Michael) did gymnastics camp with Joel. Otherwise I see him sitting at the dining room table a lot building new Lego creations. I like to climb up and mess up his Legos when he’s playing somewhere else in the house. He recently learned how to make cool shapes out of Legos, and loves his Betta fish Henry. In the spring he was in a Lego Robotics competition and rocked!

LaLa (Callie) can swim like a pro and was so pretty at her dance recital in June. She is headed for Broadway for sure. She sleeps in her own bedroom and makes it messy a lot, which takes some of the heat offa me. Da calls her Princess, which she digs.

E.P. (Eva Peeva) is off the glump-glump bottle and would sit around watching Barbie and Dora and Princess movies all day long if Ma would let her. She is a sweet pea most of the time, but sometimes she likes to mess with me just because can. She and I are in a daily Naughty Competition, and we like to make art on the walls.

As for me, well, I just kinda go around making messes all day. My proudest accomplishment to date is getting into the pantry (why don’t they lock it up?) DAILY and dumping out some sort of cereal or oatmeal or noodles or beans. I like to help Ma vacuum, so I have to help make messes, right?! Oh, and I also like music a lot.

My kinda sister and ex-neighbor AliAl (Alex) has been spending the night a lot and lately is over every day while her mom works, and I LOVE it because she is so sweet to me and likes to change my diaper and play with me. She’ll be in 4th grade in about a month. We like to have picnics.
Jor (Jordan) will be 14 in September and is getting tall and very pretty. She is also smart and funny and kind, so Ma tells her to wait a long time before choosing a boyfriend. Jordan is also my kinda sister and watches us when Ma goes to the dentist or the library or to the clubs (just kidding; making sure you’re paying attention). Jor’s gonna get something called an Escalade and drive us kids around someday. She buys me onesies sometimes because she's my sugar mama.
As a family, we like to go to the swimming pool. We went blueberry picking in June. We went to Crown Center a couple of times for kid exhibits, Sheridan’s and fountain-playing. We go to nature centers and visit Poppy, Nana, Tutu and Dave. Grandma Mac comes over every other week to clean our kitchen and play with us. Ma had a big 40th birthday party courtesy of Da, and LaLa, Bubby and Dole also had parties this year so far. Mine is in October and I will be 2!!!

Gotta go … time to go put some peanut butter in my hair! Write us soon!


  1. Love it! And I should wish you Merry Christmas, I guess? LOL!

  2. LOL! You're hilarious & i ♥ your blog!


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