Thursday, October 1, 2009


Here's Little Eva's daily case of bedhead. She also looks like this when getting out of the car, no matter how much I brush her hair. But, hey, at least she HAS hair, unlike her Papa Dave, whose birthday is today!

The countdown is on for Baby #5 (due on 10/10, our anniversary), so if you see me skipping posts anytime soon, you'll know it's because I'm nursing nonstop. I'll try to be a good Bloggy Friend and post new-baby pix as soon as I'm able!


  1. I love the look on her face kind of like "Whatsamattayou?"

  2. I can't wait to see the new baby. Don't worry about WM, if you disappear we know why ;)

  3. Oh, my gosh! That hair is AWESOME! :)


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