Monday, February 16, 2009

"Flipping the Weight Loss Switch" Monday Part 2 (Exercise)

God help me, I’ve actually lost weight (my stats are hidden somewhere on this blog page). When I’m stressed out these days I don’t eat a bag of Dove chocolates. Instead I pork in half a box of sugar-free, fat-free instant pudding with a trough of light whipped cream. I don’t know how many baby Doves are in a bag, but they are 1 point each on the Weight Watchers plan and I only get to eat 25 points each day … a bag has to be about 35, whereas my pudding indulgence is about 5 points.

Still, WW does allow those 35 “flex” points, which I call “cheater points” … meaning you can save them and lose some weight or you can eat 35 points of healthy OR naughty and still be eating within your points.

This is the part where my dad is saying, “I don’t really like the taste of points. I prefer to eat food.” Moo-ving on …

I just wanted to share with you that even watching the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show and having an ex come to town recently only made me eat MORE. How messed up is THAT? I feel like I have a food addiction and need to go to some 12-step program.

I’m tired of being asked if I’m pregnant when I’m not*. I’m turning in my amaretto sours for WW Amaretto Cheesecake 1 point yogurt.

I’m going to kick fat’s ass. Sooo …

How do you prioritize exercise when you have so many other things going on in your life? I’m not going to use my kids or homeschooling or my husband’s travel as an excuse anymore. I don’t need my husband in town or a babysitter to be able to MOVE MY BUTT enough to burn a few calories. I can homeschool and be a writer AND find time to move, even in the winter.

Except it’s hard to do an aerobics tape (oh, how I used to love WATCHING aerobics tapes while eating cheeseburgers and fries) with a 26-pound baby pulling up on your legs. And I have GOT to remember to ASK for Treadmill Time from Aron … I need him to watch the kids so the baby doesn’t wander into the room and get her fingers stuck in the machinery. This is the part where my mom recommends a playpen, but I think it’s a little late for that … the baby would just stand there looking at me and crying, and that’s no fun for a wimp like me. Besides, I like to pretend I’m a runway model-in-training when I’m walking, and a baby kind of cramps my style (unless I pretend I’m Heidi Klum).

So how do YOU carve out time to exercise or are you content with your Mommy Body just the way it is (and think I’m being ridiculous because appearance doesn’t matter anyway)? Unless you’re a guy reading this, in which case I sure hope you do not have a Mommy Body (muffin top, moobies, etc.).

Come back next Monday, when we’ll discuss Food Dictators.

*Of course, now I AM pregnant, and that is not an excuse to eat poorly and not exercise. And I do consider morning/evening sickness puking to be a form of exercise. Good for the stomach muscles.


  1. Like you, I am pregnant. So, no worries about my body right now - I love eating whatever I want. When the baby comes, I will nurse her for a year, and the weight comes off rather quickly. It works for me!! I feel your pain on the morning sickness...thank God for Zofran.

  2. Not that this is anything like morning sickness (I do not claim to relate), but I did get a small bout of food poisoning one time, and let me tell you -- that was THE BEST abs workout ever.

  3. Mommie Kerrie:
    Since I have totally loss the battle of the bulge I have no world shaking advice but I can pray for you.

    Happy Presidents Day To You
    from Roberta Anne

  4. I am still working on the battle of the bulge. I was doing great for a month. But the past couple of weeks I had a set back and now I can not get back on the bandwagon.

    Why can't I get up early and get my caboose on the treadmill!?

    About four months ago I was asked if I was pregnant by my Uncle. Apparantly my shirt is not forgiving.

  5. I have a nine week old. I need to loose weight but can't find the time to work out.

  6. ahhhh that elusive rascal "time". When anyone finds it...let me know. I guess it is a matter of priorities, which mine are screwed up! LOL I was ALWAYS sicker than a dog with morning sickness for the first trimester...even having them 6 years apart did NOT change my body's I would lose weight in the beginning...but OH MY by the time that beautiful bundle came out from hiding, I had gained 60 pounds! And unlike others, breastfeeding does NOT help me lose weight..sniff sniff. I will be praying for ya, girl! Inspire me...inspire me. :-)



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