Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Powerless Sunday Nights

A couple of weeks ago our power went out on a Sunday night. Luckily, Aron was in the middle of building a fire … it was a cold, windy night. Dinner was in the oven, but he was going to have to finish it off in the fireplace.

At first we weren’t sure what to do. Our power never goes out. The baby had just crashed on me, so my butt was stuck to the couch. Aron (being all resourceful) and the kids got flashlights and lit candles.

This taught us a lesson in appreciation for what we have (electricity). We couldn’t watch TV or use the laptop or listen to music. Michael was wondering if we could flush the toilet.

I read to the kids and we talked. Unfortunately, the power came on after about an hour.

We plan to turn off the Circuit Breaker again some Sunday night! We’ll build a fire and roast hot dogs and marshmallows and read by candlelight and flashlight. And tell stories.


  1. Makes me wish I had a fire place again. I would love to sit around by firelight telling stories and roasting hot dogs and marshmallows :D

  2. That's a great idea. I remember when our power went out one evening. I sat around with my oldest and we made up a story together. It was a lot of fun. We took turns telling the story. Maybe I should turn the circuit breaker off one night and pretend that the power went out.

  3. We have done this in the past-in the summer. We tend to lose our power alot (we are in a small city but in a rural area) so the kids know that is why there are flashlights on the counter all of the time. Anyway, they enjoy it so much sometimes we just turn everything off and play games by candlelight and do shadow puppets, etc. You make me miss my fireplace too! The pellet stove it just not the same!



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