Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Produce Partners in Kansas City

Don’t freak out, but once again I am using this blog for good. I have a friend (Erin Schmidt) who has started a business with her husband and I offered to promote it a little.

They have a great website for you to check out, but here’s the gist of it in co-owner Erin Schmidt’s own words:

“We’re starting a full-service vegetable and herb gardening business, installing and maintaining organic gardens for individuals, families, communities and businesses. This concept has become extremely popular on the West Coast and we're going to give it a try here in Kansas City.

We're calling the venture Produce Partners, because we really want it to be a partnership between us and our customers to create something really wonderful. It's a way of re-connecting with our food source, making productive use of our land, improving our diet with organic produce and building community at the same time.

It’s about getting gardens in people’s yards again – over the past 30 years there’s been a steady decline in the number of people that grow their own food, and we’d like to change that. Even people who don’t have a “green thumb” deserve to have fresh organic vegetables from their own garden. That’s where we can help.
For those of you familiar with CSA (community supported agriculture) programs, what we provide is similar in that we grow organic produce for you. The additional benefits of a backyard garden are:

-- You choose what you want grown in your vegetable & herb garden – It's like having your very own farmer's market in your back yard

-- We deliver to your doorstep (or you can pick the produce whenever you want) – This is convenience at its best

-- Talk about local – when the distance your food travels to your dining room table is measured in feet rather than miles, we are helping reduce your carbon footprint

-- No yard space or no sun? worries. Ask your neighbors to see if they are interested – if so perhaps they could provide the garden space and you can split the cost & the bounty of the garden.

We want to use these winter months to plan the gardens with our customers so when spring arrives we can get to work gardening. In other words, please don’t wait until spring to contact us…

We have developed a website that provides information about our services ( and we encourage you to check that out. We’re currently taking customers for the 2009 season – for this first year we’re limiting our customer base so we can do a really great job from day one.

Happy New Year! And Erin, just put a link to my blog on your web site and I'll consider your advertising bill paid in full!!! Just kidding!

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