Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A “Typical” Homeschool Day

Joel is doing Math and Spelling with me; later he’ll do tons of handwriting (he loves it) and will read to Callie.

Michael is playing Mickey Mouse Kindergarten on the computer; later he does some Explode the Code for reading and learns about money.

I’m painting and stickering Callie’s nails and we’re counting; later she’ll color and play with Eva.

Eva is eating banana puffs and trying to figure out how to drink apple juice from a sippy cup in her high chair; later she’ll play on the floor, nurse, fall asleep.

I’m making cookies, ignoring the phone, helping the kids, organizing photos. So much for being “in the now.” Eckhart Tolle and Oprah would kick my ass.

1 comment:

  1. Happy homeworking!

    I have spelling and reading to do tonight with the 6year old I look after and no doubt the 3year old will want to cook dinner with me, which makes it sooooooooooo much easier!!!! Yeh right!

    If they are lucky they might even get to bike ride while i'm doing dinner!


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