Monday, July 21, 2008

7-Year-Old Boys in Love

OK, you figured it out. For 3 weeks I am NOT a travel widow. Was it the "updates from Phoenix" posts that tipped you off?

Folks, I am in a state of semi-vacation. I am still Mommy 24/7, but there are all kinds of things I don't have to worry about while traveling with A. for work.

  1. Mowing the lawn (sounds snootier than "yard", doesn't it?)
  2. Watering the garden or asking the kids to do it 17 times
  3. Gathering garden stuff (tomatoes, green beans, beets, etc.) and trying to figure out, Keystone Cop-style, how to can said stuff
  4. Vacuuming
  5. Cooking
  6. Mail
  7. Keeping an eye on 3 kids in a sea of other kids at the swimming pool
  8. Organizing 900 playdates (I hate that word) for my social oldest son
  9. Washing diapers
Thank God for family and friends!!!
J. has made a little girlfriend out here. I'll call her B., and I woke up Saturday morning to him on the pot singing her name over and over. She is 11 years old. We spent today with her at the pool, and she hung out in our room for hours. It will break my heart when they have to say goodbye this week.
Happy Birthday, Dad ;-)


  1. HI Kerrie! I did not know you have a blog too! I have added you to my blog reader. This is the kind of communication I can keep up with!! Glad your trip has been a fun one!!

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog - I was actually trying to leave a comment on one of your recent posts - but can't find the "post a comment" link anywhere - how do I leave a comment - is the writing of "post a comment" in the same colour as the teal background? Just wondering since I couldn't find it.

  3. Sorry Kerrie, I lost your email addy and this was the only piost I could comment on... to fix your comment issue go to the settings tab on your blog and choose comments. You should be able to enable then form there!


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