Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Buying a Home for Homeschooling: What to Look For


Image from: RODNAE Productions on Pexels

Homeschooling has become an increasingly popular option for families in recent years, and with this rise in popularity, comes the need for a space that accommodates this lifestyle. While traditional schools provide classrooms and other educational spaces, homeschooling families need a home that provides enough space and resources for learning and living at the same time. In this article, we’ll cover the key features you should look for when buying a home for homeschooling and how you can help transform your home into a successful homeschool environment.

Space for Learning and Living

One of the most important things to consider when buying a home for homeschooling is space. Your home should have enough space for not just learning, but also for living comfortably. This means that it should have enough room for everyone in your family, as well as enough space for learning, play, and storage. You’ll want to look for homes with flexible floor plans, such as a spare room that can be used as a classroom, or a large open living space that can be converted into a school area or even split into two smaller rooms.

This will allow you to set clear boundaries for the study space and educate other family members on the importance of a quiet environment for learning. Encourage everyone in the household to respect the study space and avoid making distractions in the area.

Access to Natural Light

Natural light is important for a healthy and productive learning environment. Consider homes that have large windows and plenty of natural light, as well as adequate lighting fixtures to ensure that your child can study in a well-lit area.

Natural light has been shown to have a positive impact on mood and energy levels. When children study in a well-lit room, they tend to feel more alert, awake, and focused, which can help them to retain information more effectively. 

Additionally, exposure to natural light is important for the body to produce Vitamin D, which is essential for overall health and well-being. Lack of exposure to natural light can lead to deficiencies in Vitamin D, which can have a negative impact on health and overall well-being.

High-Quality Furnishings

Comfortable furniture is essential for children who will be spending long hours studying. A comfortable chair and desk can help to reduce discomfort and fatigue, allowing children to focus and retain information more effectively. 

Also, ergonomic furniture can help to reduce the risk of injury and improve posture, which is important for children who will be sitting for long periods of time. Consider furniture that is adjustable and can be tailored to the individual needs of each child, such as chairs with adjustable height and desks with adjustable angles.

If you’ve already got access to high-quality furnishings that you’d like to hold onto after the move, you can enlist the help of local movers to help you bring those old pieces of home with you toward pastures new. As long as your new home has adequate space to house your existing furnishings, there’s no reason not to. 

Quiet Study Areas

Homeschooling requires a quiet and focused environment, so it's important to find a home that provides quiet study areas. This can be a separate room, a designated study area, or a quiet corner of the house where your child can study and complete their homework.

This study location should be a space that is away from high-traffic areas, noisy appliances, and other sources of distractions. This could be a dedicated room or a quiet corner of the house, away from busy areas such as the kitchen or living room. If your prospective home is situated on a busy road, there may be better options for you, as noise pollution from big city centers can cause some notable disruption.

Access to the Outdoors

Access to the outdoors is important for homeschooling families, as it provides a change of scenery and a break from indoor learning. Look for homes with outdoor spaces such as a yard, a deck, or a balcony, where your child can take a break, play, and enjoy the fresh air.

Physical exercise is important for both the mind and body, and access to the outdoors provides an opportunity for children to get moving and stay active. This can help to improve focus, concentration, and overall health and well-being while breaking up the monotony that academic teaching can sometimes provide. 

Additionally, access to the outdoors provides an opportunity for hands-on learning, as children can explore and engage with the natural world around them. This can include activities such as gardening, bird watching, and nature walks, which can help to improve critical thinking, problem-solving, and observation skills. The classroom doesn’t end at the front door!

Storage Space

Organization is key to creating a productive study space. Encourage your child to keep their study space neat and tidy, and provide adequate storage solutions such as shelves, file cabinets, and desk organizers. This will help them to keep their materials organized and easily accessible, reducing distractions and increasing focus.

Homeschooling requires a lot of materials, such as books, art supplies, and educational tools. By making sure the home you are considering has adequate storage space to accommodate these materials, you can be sure that the space will serve you well as a distraction and mess-free environment for learning. That being said, reducing homeschool clutter is no mean feat- read on here for more on how to deal with this.


WiFi provides access to a vast array of online learning resources, such as educational websites, online textbooks, and virtual classrooms. These resources can be used to supplement traditional homeschooling materials and provide students with additional opportunities to learn and explore. 

WiFi also allows students to access real-time information, providing them with up-to-date information and data for their studies. This can be especially valuable for subjects such as science and history, where current events and developments can have a significant impact on understanding and learning.

Considering that homeschooling can often be an isolating experience, access to a high-quality internet connection can often help children connect with other like-minded peers all across the globe. As long as you ensure you’ve taught your child about internet safety, they can easily join groups for homeschooled children, groups relating to hobbies, or social media.


The location of your home is also an important factor to consider. Look for homes that are located in safe, quiet, and well-connected neighborhoods.

Access to resources, such as libraries, museums, and community centers, is important for homeschooling, as it provides opportunities for hands-on learning and exploration. Look for a location that is close to these types of resources, or that offers easy access to public transportation to reach them.

Lastly, homeschooling can be a lonely experience if you don't have a supportive community around you. Look for a location that has a strong homeschooling community, where you can connect with other homeschooling families and participate in group activities and events.

Additional Features to Consider:

  • Dedicated workspace for each student

  • Access to community resources and homeschool groups

  • Adequate heating and cooling systems for a comfortable learning environment

  • Proximity to extracurricular activities and opportunities for socialization


In conclusion, when buying a home for homeschooling, it's important to consider space, natural light, quiet study areas, access to the outdoors, storage, and location. Keep in mind additional features such as a dedicated workspace for each student, high-speed internet, and access to community resources, and make sure to choose a home that meets your family’s specific needs and fits your budget. Good luck with your search!

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