Friday, December 9, 2022

New Parent? Staying Calm During Your Baby's First Weeks

 It’s common for new parents to think the worst whenever something unusual happens. You want to do the best for your baby, and protect them as well as you can, and that can cause a panic from time to time! But staying calm during the first weeks of your baby’s life will help to set you up for the future. 

You’ll be far more resilient and calm in the face of crisis, and that’s often the best way to deal with those newborn blues! So without further ado, here are some tips for helping beat back that anxiety, to ensure you can think rationally whenever you need to. 

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Talk to a Doctor

In the first few weeks of life, you’ll have to take your baby along to a variety of appointments. Catch-ups with midwives, checkups with doctors, and soon you’ll start thinking about vaccinations too. And this is good! It’s a chance for medical professionals to investigate the way your baby is behaving and developing, and catch worrying signs as early on as possible. 

But these appointments are for you too. Use them to talk about your worries as a parent, and how you’re feeling coping for a newborn. If you’re feeling more anxious than you think you should be, bring that up. Make yourself heard in these moments, and don’t let that panic in your chest sit for too long. 

Don’t Get Bogged Down Over Milestones

Milestones are the way we track childhood development. Indeed, by the time a child is 2, we expect them to be able to walk and talk! Newborns have their own milestones to track by, such as the first time they smile and laugh, or when they start following your voice by moving their head or eyes. And missing these marks in the first couple months can cause panic. 

Of course, if you experienced negligence during childbirth, a missed milestone may be a worry. But this is another thing to bring up with a midwife or a doctor. If you know your baby already has a medical issue, talk about it in length and get some proper advice. Otherwise, just let your baby do their thing in their own time! 

Get Some Sleep!

This is the hardest one of all to address - sleep is in short supply when there’s a baby crying throughout the night! But if you can sleep, you’ll find yourself thinking a lot more rationally about the things your baby does and whether or not they’re a worrying sign. 

Reach out to your loved ones. If you and your partner share as much of the work as possible, ask your parents/in-laws to help out. You can also ask friends to step in with a bit of help here and there, such as running an errand you’re unable to. As they go, have a nap and get some rest! 

New parents will always worry! But don’t let that worry impact the bond you have with your baby. 

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