Monday, November 7, 2022

Driving with a Dog - Simple Tips to Help You

 Pexels - CC0 License

It can be nerve-wracking to drive your friend or family member for the first time, but it’s also a strong marker of maturity and personal development. You will never drive as carefully as you do with your own child in the car too, be that bringing your infant home from the hospital once you welcome them into the world, or simply during a comfortable commute to fetch groceries.

But there’s another consideration here - that of driving our pets. Now, cats are usually kept in cat travel cases, which they’re generally not too fond of, but due to their independence really need. Dogs, on the other hand, can be fun car buddies. That said, they’re not always super aware of the importance of safety when on the road, and if they’re particularly excitable, may be happy to jump on you or others in the car if you’re not careful.

As such, if driving with a dog for the first time, we think you might appreciate some of the following advice:

Cover Your Seats

Dogs tend to pitter-patter and tap their feet when they’re excited. They also shed hair, and depending on the season, a lot of it too. This is why it’s good to look for seat covers that work for this. Also, make sure they fit the seat so you can apply them and take them off easily as required - these types of truck seat covers can help you with that if you drive a larger vehicle. Also, bring a few cleaning supplies with you just in case the dog vomits or otherwise has an accident; this might sound a little gross to discuss but you’ll be happy that you thought about this in advance when it happens.

Mind The Window Gap

Dogs tend to enjoy sticking their head out of the window. Of course, it’s essential to make sure this window is opened a little so they can breathe more easily, and also so the car doesn’t solely smell of your dog, even though we’re sure yours is very hygienic. However, opening the window gap too far can sometimes inspire a dog to jump out, and on a highway, that’s not entirely ideal. So, make sure to crack it enough, but not too much, and depending on the size and behavior of your dog, moderate this appropriately.

Give Them Seat Space

Give your dog some seat space to relax on. Sure, they might not be able to use a seatbelt, but it can prevent them from feeling cooped up. Alternatively, you might clear some space in your rear car area, bring some seats down, and palace their bed here for comfort. If you have a smaller dog, then they might be able to fit in the foot area of the passenger seat. 

With this advice, you’re sure to drive with your friendly pooch, comfortably, in a relaxed fashion, and without preventing your continued focus on the road in front of you. After all, remaining safe is most important, and will continue to be.

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