Thursday, November 3, 2022

6 Ways to Prepare Your Doors and Windows for Winter


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Winter is approaching once more. That means your home may have to deal with icy storms, cold air, and harsh winds for several months. As such, you must ensure that your doors and windows are adequately prepared for the cold elements. If they are not properly weather-stripped, insulated, sealed, or securely installed, they can cost you a lot of money in energy bills throughout the cold weather months. Additionally, cracks, condensation buildup, and broken locks, to name a few, can lead to very expensive damages. So, while you still have time before winter hits, here are six ways to prepare your doors and windows for the cold weather. 

  1. Replace old doors and windows

Home windows and doors usually have a lifespan of about 15 to 20 years. So, if you have old windows and doors that have come close to 15 years, you should replace them, as they would have lost their effectiveness considerably. Once a door or window hits the 15-year margin, the seals weaken and fail, leaving you open to water seepage and drafts. 

Be sure to replace all old doors and windows, including the doors on your patio. You can find experts like Renewal by Andersen to replace the windows and doors on your patio to ensure they’re ready for the cold weather. 

  1.  Identify any leaks

You want to find out if your doors and windows have tiny spaces around them where air can seep through. Do not underestimate even the tiniest space’s ability to impact your heating needs during winter. An effective way to identify small leaks is to use the light test. Inspect your doors and windows closely from inside your home during the day. If you can see the light from outside seep through any space, you have a problem.

Another option is to try the paper note test. Firstly, place a dollar bill between the side of the door. Then jam, close the door, and try to pull the bill out. If the dollar bill slides out or moves around easily, then you have leak spaces you need to cover. You can also try the wet-hand test to identify leaks in your windows. Wet your hands with clean water and run it carefully along your window’s perimeter. The moisture in your hand can help you spot any leaks, so keep this in mind. . 

  1. Weather-strip your windows and doors

So, your test yielded not-so-good results, and you’ve found leaks in your windows and doors. What do you do next? Weather-strip them. Two options are available to you. If you’re quite the handyman or woman, you can head to your nearest hardware store and purchase a weather-stripping kit. Next, follow the instructions in your kit, and you should get the job done. If you’re not good with tools or don’t have the time, the second option is to call experts to weather-strip your doors and windows. 

  1. Replace broken door locks

Another thing worth checking is your door lock, or better still, all the door locks in your home. You want to make sure that none of them is faulty. That’s because a faulty door lock can easily freeze when the temperature drops. If dirt and debris are trapped within it, you can expect to struggle when opening it. And the last thing you want is for your door lock to keep you out in the cold. 

  1. Check your window and door caulking

If you have already used waterproof sealant on your doors and windows over the years, it’s time to check them again. Where necessary, reseal the sides of your windows and doors that have been exposed to the natural elements over the years. Constant exposure can lead to cracks in the caulking or sealant. If you notice such cracks, you need to replace your sealant to ensure that the draft and warm air do not leak out. 

  1. Make sure your doors and windows close all the way

Aside from checking your caulking and sealants, inspect your doors and window frames for any signs of damage and cracks that prevent them from closing all the way. So many things can damage your doors and windows, making it difficult to close them properly. Regardless of the cause, a damaged door or window will leave gaps affecting your home’s heating and ramp up your energy bills. Ensure routine door and window inspections are a regular part of your home maintenance tasks, as that will go a long way to preserve them.

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