Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Top Tips & Advice for Starting Out as a Homeschooler

For one reason or another, you’ve decided that going forward you’re going to homeschool your children. 

Perhaps your child has asked to be homeschooled? Maybe one of your kids is struggling at school and you feel that teaching them at home would be a better fit for their specific needs? Or maybe, you just fancy giving homeschooling a try? Whatever the reason, be assured that homeschooling is a wonderful journey and one that offers so many incredible benefits for children and parents alike. 

The key to success is getting your approach right and ensuring that you are arming your children with everything that they need to grow into happy, healthy, thoughtful adults who have the potential to have whatever career they want. 

Photo source: Pixabay

Wondering how you can ensure that your homeschooling journey is successful? Below are a few tips and ideas that should help you get off to a good start - read on for everything you need to know! 

Do your research 

A great starting point for your homeschooling journey is to begin with a lot of research. There are many different ways to home educate your children, which means it’s important to take the time to do your research into the different approaches, from online schooling programs to home-educating curriculums and key resources, and which ones would work best for you and your kids. 

It’s also important to look at what the state requires you teach your children, as in order to homeschool your kids you need to meet certain regulations. So, it’s vital that you’re aware of what these regulations are and are able to ensure that you meet them. 

Be part of the homeschooling community 

For successful homeschooling, the home-educating community is a really useful tool. There are lots of ways that you can become part of the community, from attending in-person meet-ups to joining social media homeschooling groups. You can get involved however you would like to. 

Most areas have a local homeschooling group that you can join to meet other home-educating families. Being part of this kind of community can be extremely helpful as it can help to ensure that should you need any homeschooling support, you have plenty of other local families to talk to and learn from. 

Make social events a priority 

If you’re going to homeschool your kids, it’s vital that you understand just how important social events are. In a school environment, your children would be seeing and mixing with all kinds of other children on a daily basis, so it’s important that you offer your children the same level of socialisation. 

There are lots of fantastic after-school clubs that you can sign your kids up to, such as sports clubs, craft clubs, and drama clubs. You should also be able to find lots of great homeschooling activities around your local area, such as coffee and play mornings for homeschooling families and other home education get-togethers that are designed to help home-educated kids to socialise. 

There you have it, a guide to everything you need to know when starting out as a home educator and teaching your children at home. 

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