Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The 5 Most Common Entry Points For Household Pests


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Want to stop pests from getting into your home? Identifying exactly where they’re coming into your home and sealing off these entry points is one effective way to do it. There are so many different ways in which pests can enter your home. Below are some of the most common entry points to consider and the types of pests that may use these entry points.

Open windows

Most pests that enter your home are likely to come through an open window or door. Many bugs are nocturnal and more likely to come in through a window at night - this includes mosquitoes, spiders, cockroaches and moths. During a hot day, you may also get wasps, ants and flies coming in that are typically attracted to smells. 

Shutting your window and making sure it is well sealed can stop critters getting in. If you want to leave the window open for ventilation, it could be worth investing in insect screens that will help to keep bugs out while still allowing cool air in. Trickle vents on windows typically have bug screens integrated into them, so can be left open to also let air in. 

Gaps under doors

If your exterior doors have gaps under them, this could be not just letting in cool drafts in winter but also pests all year round. Small gaps could be letting in various bugs, while larger gaps may be enough to let in rodents.

You can stop critters from getting under gaps in doors by blocking off this gap with a metal threshold and/or door sweep. Gaps around doors can also be an issue and may need to be blocked off with weatherstrips.

Cracks in walls

Cracks and crevices in walls can often go overlooked. They are popular entry points for ants, spiders, beetles and cockroaches. If a crack is large enough to fit a pencil in, it could even be enough for a small mouse to squeeze through.

Cracks are most common around the corners and edges of walls. Ensure that these are all sealed off. There are many different ways to seal up cracks ranging from caulk to mesh tape. Larger cracks may be worth hiring a professional to examine to ensure that you don’t have foundation issues..

Roofing damage

Damaged roofs can be a major source of heat loss, as well as letting in leaks. On top of this, they can let in all kinds of pests including wasps, pigeons, bats, squirrels and even roof rats. 

If you want to completely pest-proof your roofing, you’ll need to make sure that all cracks and gaps are fixed and sealed. On top of loose tiles, there could be gaps around roof vents, flashing and chimneys that need fixing. A professional roofer will be able to help make any necessary repairs.

Cracks in foundations

Cracks in your foundations could also be an entry point for pests. Ants, termites, spiders, cockroaches, carpenter bees and cicadas are just some of the pests that like to live underground or in crawl spaces. 

You should take measures to seal up any cracks in your floor or basement. Foundation cracks, basement barriers and crawl space encapsulation are a few common solutions. 

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