Thursday, December 9, 2021

Why do you need attic insulation?


Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay 

The reason for attic insulation is to minimize the heat transfer coefficient by using thermal insulators. Attic insulation in houses or buildings is a crucial factor in achieving thermal comfort for the occupants. The insulation reduces undesired heat gain and heat loss, thus significantly minimizing the energy demands of heating and cooling systems. Some benefits of attic insulation include:

Indoor air quality 

The quality of air quality in your home is critical. Outdoor pollutants can get into your home via air leaks due to under-insulated attic spaces and poor air sealing. Insulating the attic space prevents contaminants from getting into your house, allowing you to breathe cleaner air. Moreover, carrying out new insulation may remove pollutants that might have infested the current insulation. 

Enhances the comfort of your home 

A home that isn’t insulated or is under-insulated is vulnerable to temperature from outside. Thermal energy flows from high-temperature regions to low-temperature regions. Rooms on the upper floors are more vulnerable to outside temperatures. Insulation of the attic space is ideal for making these rooms remain temperate during the night and early morning.

Saves money

Cooling and heating your residence account for over 2 thirds of the energy needs in a modest house. If your home is uninsulated or underinsulated, you will need more energy. 

Protects the structure of your home 

Insulating the attic space of your house can prevent it from physical damage. Attic insulation ensures that moisture does not seep and erode the walls.

Protects the environment 

For environmentally-conscious people, air sealing and insulating the attic is one of the most energy-saving projects in your home. This means that your home will need less energy, so power generating plants will not require much energy, minimizing pollution caused by the power generating plants.

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