Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Top 6 Fall Exterior Home Updates That Increase Safety

 This time of year, many homeowners want to take the opportunity to update their homes for safety. With warmer weather on the way, it's also an excellent time to make sure your home is in great shape before all the increased traffic comes knocking. There are some things you can do around your home exterior that will help ensure your safety. Here are some of the top 6 exterior safety updates to consider.

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New Gutters

If you have leaking gutters, you will want to replace them immediately, or they can cause severe damage to your roof. If you have trees near your house, make sure the gutters are cleaned out often, so the leaves do not back up and cause water to leak into your home. The old gutters can be recycled or given away. Ensure they are in good shape before you do this to ensure that they are entirely safe. You don't want someone getting hurt by an old gutter that you were going to give away.


One of the most common exterior safety projects is ensuring all your outdoor electrical wiring is up to date. If you have a new addition or a generator, you will need to ensure that their exterior wiring has been updated if you want a trouble-free operation. Wiring can be very tricky. Be careful when you are updating the wiring to prevent any unwanted accidents.

Light Fixtures

Make sure your outdoor lighting is up-to-date and working correctly. Replace any old or outdated fixtures with new exterior lighting with motion sensors or timers, so you don't have to worry about forgetting them when you leave for the day.

Use caution when updating high-voltage light fixtures. They are often dangerous if they are not done right. This may include installing safety switches so that your lights are turned off if there is a power surge or lightning strike nearby or other safety measures that ensure that there is no chance of fire or electrical shock should this happen. Don't skip these necessary safety steps.

Tree Trimming

If your trees are overgrown, you will want to trim them back. Look for any damage or disease that may be due to the changes in the weather over the seasons. If you notice any damage, have a company offering tree service to treat it immediately, so it does not get out of control. A minor repair now can save you a lot of money down the road.

Checking the Foundation

Make sure your exterior walls and foundation are structurally sound. You can do this with a small electronic device that detects any problems with the foundation. If you find any issues, you can call a company to repair them before they become a significant problem.

Door and Lock Maintenance

One of the best things you can do for your home exterior is to ensure all the locks are working correctly. Check and see if they need to be lubricated or replaced. You may also want to consider replacing the locks on your doors with deadbolt locks that will provide more protection if someone attempts to break into your home.


Many reasons can lead you to make upgrades to your home. Whatever your reason is, safety should be above everything. When you hire a company to make home improvements to your home exterior, discuss how to secure your home. After these updates, you will relax and enjoy your home as the season progresses.

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