Thursday, July 8, 2021

Practical Steps To Approach A Career Change



Approaching a career change can be scary, it can be difficult to move away from what you know and start a new journey. To help you navigate the road ahead, consider these five practical steps.

1 . What’s motivating you?

Before you approach a career change you’ve got to figure out what’s motivating you.  What is it that you don’t like about your current career? Establishing why you’re seeking to move on will help you to move in the right direction.

Think about what kind of career you’re looking for. Are you looking for a high salary, or are you more focused on an altruistic career? To follow the right path, you must be aware of what inspires you.

2. Determine your strengths

Before you pursue a new career, you need to figure out what your strengths are. The following questions may help:

  • What are my most valuable skills?

  • Where do I excel in my current role?

  • What skills have I learned that I could adapt to a new career?

  • What’s the essence of my personal brand?

  • What is my biggest talent?

  • If I could choose any career, what would it be?

  • What are the barriers standing in my way?

  • How can I overcome those challenges?

3. Promote yourself 

If you’re looking to change careers, you’ve got to promote yourself in all the right ways. First you should create a professional website, including a blog. You can use the blog to write articles about the industry you’re looking to work in. You might also write about your experiences approaching a career change, offering advice to your peers.

You should create work profiles on Facebook and LinkedIn, and use these to develop your brand further. Promoting yourself will help to set you apart, and access new opportunities. When you’re developing a brand, think carefully about your strengths, and how you want to be perceived. You’ll need to think about what makes you stand out, and then try to communicate this to your audience.

4. Attend networking events

Networking is a fantastic way to meet valuable business contacts. Check out sites like ‘Find Networking Events’ can help you to search for events in your area. If you prefer networking online try apps like Lunch Club or FishBowl. There are so many benefits to networking including:

  • Discover new job opportunities.

  • Learn new things.

  • Find business people to collaborate with.

  • Boost your career and progress.

  • Online networking saves time.

  • Put yourself out there as a professional.


5. Get professional support

It can be a good idea to work with a careers counselor. A counselor can help you to figure out suitable careers, prepare applications, and search for roles. With the right professional advice, you’ll be well on your way.

When you’re approaching a career change it’s important to do plenty of research. Read articles about your chosen career path, to learn all you can. To make a start, check out this article about how to become an Actuary featuring Nathaniel Whittle.

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