Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Biggest Mom & Baby Trends Of 2021

 2020 was a weird year for everyone, but for those of us that had a baby, or have a family to raise, it has been a wild ride. However, the good news is that you get ahead of the curve by checking out my guide to the biggest mom and baby trends of 2021, below. 

More sustainable baby products 

Sustainability is most definitely a watch-word in mom and baby trends this year. What that means is less of a focus on disposable items such as nappies, and wipes and more on good quality reusable ones that can be washed and used over and over again. 

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This focus on sustainability also means there will likely be a reduction in plastic toy use, and perhaps a move back to more traditional wooden toys. Something that fits well with the Montessori educational ethos. 

Finally, when it comes to sustainability you can expect big changes in the Baby Food Industry as well. In particular, plant-based baby food is set to be big this year, not to mention packaging made from materials such as sugarcane pulp which can be recycled or composted as easily as any other biodegradable waste. 

More gender-neutral clothing for baby 

I know that gender reveals seem to be as popular as ever on social media, but 2021 may just be the year we see this trend start to shift. After all, there is a real conversation about gender going on right now, and many parents are reluctant to impose an identity onto their children that may not ring true for them as they get older. 

With that in mind, expect to see more gender-neutral dressing and outfits in yellow, greens, and especially greys. 

More deliberate screen time for the kids 

2020 was the first year that many kids of all ages experienced online learning, and due to the constraints of the pandemic, we can largely expect this trend to continue. 

Of course, this can be somewhat problematic to families that like to limit screen time. However, it is important to recognize that not all screen time is bad. Indeed, at the moment it is what is allowing our kids to maintain their friendships and their educational process. 

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Having said that, will the necessary increase in deliberate screen time, it may be wise to encourage other non-screen-based activities as well, especially ones that involve outdoor activities and exercise. 

Outside parenting support 

Let’s face it, parenting is hard, and I'm pleased to see that we as a society are finally beginning to acknowledge this. Indeed, instead of getting on with the task of parenting the kids alone, there is now a lot more support for those of us having a bad day, or struggling with longer-term problems like poor mental health. 

I often find that one of the best places to go for support is other mommy bloggers, as many are wonderfully honest about the downs as well as the ups of parenthood. Then there are text and video call therapy services and there are even subs like r/breakingmom on Reddit that are specifically designed to be non-judgmental places of support and encouragement. 

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