Thursday, January 28, 2021

How to Study at Home During the Pandemic

 Several measures implemented to curb the spread of coronavirus, but remote working, and studying from home have taken center stage. A 2020 study has proposed that 42% of the US labor force are working full-time remotely while approximately 93% of households with school-age children have resorted to some form of distance learning amid the pandemic. For many who are unfamiliar with studying from home, the new norm will prove quite challenging. Are you studying from home or require your children to continue their education despite school closures? Here's how to learn effectively while at home. 

  1. Plan your day 

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It’s quite alarming how you can easily postpone watching a recorded lecture for later viewing. Ensure you dedicate your complete attention to the recorded class and avoid juggling them during periods when you are eating or hooked to your music. Plan the time you wake up, have your breakfast, and get dressed before you begin your studies. Failure to routinely plan may likely lead to, let's say, your break period eating into your next schedule. Ideally, have a time-table to appreciate what you are studying at every moment since some courses may be more favorable to learn within a particular time of the day.


  1. Create a study area

Creating a study area can be a real headache, particularly when you share your home space with other people in your household. Whether you use this area briefly or permanently, you should consider placing objects to mark that area. To make it as comfortable as possible, ensure to set boundaries with the help of other people you are sharing your home with. For instance, if you’re using your kitchen table as your study or a desk in your bedroom, try to get an understanding that that area remains yours for at least a specific period. Why not consider these tips for creating the best study area even in a limited home space? 

  • Pick one place you like

  • Recreate that area 

  • Get comfortable but avoid being too comfortable

  • Search for a room with natural light 

  • Spice up the ambiance 

  • Spec up the area with plants and keep positive

  1. Keep the study area tidy

It’s challenging to focus on work or study at home when your study area is cluttered. How do you keep your focus when you’ve got a study table cluttered with heaps of dishes or clothing lying around? For starters, you can begin with a 10 minutes' quick check of the study area and get rid of any item you wouldn't require for your learning. This will make the room calmer and more conducive for studies. 

  1. Don't forget to socialize 

Even though you may be limited from in-person socialization and campus life, studying from home shouldn't prevent you from continually connecting with friends and other staff. Maintaining social contact with such individuals is useful to maintaining the feel of the study community. According to a senior lecturer from Middlesex University, although it can feel desolate, communicating via boards and reading from other students' posts can be helpful. Consider setting up a casual conversation through FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom if possible. Also, including some social time into your day can inspire you to remain focused during your studies. Ensure to schedule active study times to connect with friends and loved ones. There are several ways to connect, be it through video chats or phone calls. 

  1. Get help when necessary

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Not every person has a computer or access to stable Wi-Fi at home. A few students depend on mobile data to connect to their online classrooms and platforms, and several others miss physical resources, for example, laboratories and libraries. Still, it is essential to reach out to your college administration for assistance if you lack such necessary hardware. Deans and head of school administrations have urged their staff to make their learning content easy to access and engage on their smart devices. You can check these 5 fun and helpful reading strategies to support your child's reading ability. 

  1. Ensure clarity when communicating with colleagues

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Likewise, on other social media platforms, the little misunderstanding in writing can escalate fast. What may seem an amusing remark can be misjudged. During discussions on study forums, you can quickly notice that individuals who don't speak so much in class usually say more – which is something worth seeing; it appears hiding behind screens breeds more confidence to millennials. A study has proposed that 35% of teens favor texting as a more effective communication model, while 16% selected social media. Meanwhile, 10% of respondents went for video chatting, so it’s essential to choose the right medium and language to ensure clarity during communication or messaging. 

  1. Resist the urge to snack 

Access to your kitchen and fridge remains a perk of learning from home, although it’s also a drawback. Regardless of whether food is readily available or not, fight off the constant urge to have a snack bite. Do you find yourself frequently wandering the kitchen in search of something to munch on? While you may feel healthier to resist the temptation, you can stock up on a few healthy snacks, such as nuts, carrot sticks, and hummus, for those occasions when you need to crunch. A brief stroll outside can also help reduce your cravings and refresh your focus. Some researchers have proposed ten to fifteen minutes of walking to check cravings during studies. 

  1. Take notes and avoid multitasking during online classes

It’s essential to do away with your phone, put off messages and social media notifications on your PC, and close pages that are irrelevant to limit distraction. Taking notes during online classes can likewise keep your hands occupied and help direct your concentration toward the class content. You can assign your leisure periods to take care of such activities. Prepare your timetable such that you can perform one activity at a time, for example, chores, studying, working out, or relaxing. Knowing that you have assigned time later for such activities during the day can help keep focus. 

  1. Get a good night's sleep 

Students should ensure to get at least eight hours of sound sleep after each weeknight. It's an ideal approach to guarantee that your brain is invigorated and prepared to handle all the things you studied during the day. It could be enticing to keep awake until late to cram; however, it's more helpful to get enough rest. An entire night's sleep is particularly significant the night before you go for a test. A decent night's rest gets you more ready and improves memory for test material to prompt better test outcomes. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has recommended consistent 9–12 hours of sleep for kids between 6–12 years and 8–10 hours for mature kids between 13–18 years for every 24 hours.

  1. Try active studying

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Active studying involves posing questions before, during, and after your study period. This helps offer direction to every study session and keeps you on track while enhancing your next study period. Below are a few questions you should consider for active studying

  • What am I going to learn? 

  • What do I already know about this topic?

  • How does this info fit into a bigger picture? 

  • Do I comprehend what I have just learned? 

  • Would I be able to reword it? 

  • Are there any catchphrases I need to record? For what reason are these words and thoughts significant?

Although studying from home may seem convenient, it can be challenging considering the risks of procrastination and distractions present in the house. With the right plan, organization, and, more importantly, self-discipline, studying from home can be as effective as the traditional classroom settings or even better. Try some of these home studying tips to remain focused and efficient while at home.

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