Monday, January 11, 2021

Home Moving Matters That Everyone Forgets About

 Moving home can be time-consuming and expensive. Juggling the end of one tenancy and the start of a new one or both the sale and purchase of two properties is often stressful. You might not be able to take any time off for it, and you have a lot of things to do to get it all sorted. Moving with kids or pets can complicate things further, and it's especially tricky if you're moving a longer distance. Forgetting to do a number of tasks is easy, but it could put you at a disadvantage. So what should you remember to do when planning and carrying out your move?

Compare Moving Quotes

Booking movers isn't something that you want to do too soon, especially as you want to make sure you know how much you have to move. But you also don't want to leave it too late if you want to save money and get everything organized. Comparing quotes from several companies is the right thing to do if you want to avoid spending too much. You can either go straight to a company like Allied Van Lines for a quote or use a comparison or quote service to get several quotes at once. Don't leave this task too late. You want time to make a decision and book your movers.

Image from Pexels - CC0 License

Create a Schedule and To-Do List

Creating a schedule for your move isn't necessarily something you have to do, but it's definitely going to make your move a lot easier. You'll know when you need to be out of your current property, when you can move into your new one, and when you have to start packing. A to-do list will give you all of the tasks that have to be completed so that you can schedule them on a timeline that suits you.

Easily Accessible Items for Your First Night

When you arrive in your new place, you don't want to have to hunt around for plates, bedding or other important items that you'll need on your first night there. Once you've got everything inside, you probably don't want to start packing or assembling furniture right away. So be sure to have easily accessible items for the first day or so, including things to eat and drink from and everything that you need to go to bed and get up in the morning. That could include your shower stuff, a change of clothes, and breakfast items.

Notifying Important People and Organizations

Moving home means telling a lot of people that you're moving. While most people do remember to do this, they often leave it until the very last minute - and there might be some people you forget about. Make a list of everyone you need to tell, from friends and family to bill companies, work, your kids' schools, and anyone else that might need to know your new address.

Don't forget about these important tasks when you move home if you want to keep your move as organized as possible.

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