Sunday, October 11, 2020

5 Tips to Help Protect Your Hearing

 Looking after your hearing can be something many people overlook. It is a given fact that our hearing is taken for granted, and it is one of the main areas that can be neglected when it comes to taking care of your body.

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Hearing loss can happen to anyone and affect us all. There are many different hearing loss levels, and at times, the loss is so small you may not notice for a long time, if at all. However, making sure to get regular hearing tests is vital to help us understand our hearing condition and prolong it. No one wants to think they have done irreparable damage to their ears, but having regular ear health checks can help you avoid this or catch any issues quickly. Did you know you can request a hearing check when you have your regular medical check-up?

5 Tips for Reducing Damage to Your Hearing


When in the vicinity of higher decibel sounds, make sure to wear earplugs or noise defenders. Noises over 80 decibels can damage your hearing even if you aren't exposed to it for very long. If you are going somewhere where you know the noise levels will be loud or exceed safe hearing levels; then it may be worth investing in custom earplugs to help limit any potential damage to your hearing.

Avoid Using Anything In Your Ear

We've all been there before and had the urge to pop something in our ears to remove excess ear wax, remove water, or scratch an itch. However, putting foreign objects into your ear canal can cause damage that could affect your hearing.

Ears are self-cleaning organs and, as such, will remove any foreign objects and excess ear wax naturally without our intervention. Using items such as cotton tips or pointed tools to dig around inside your ear is always advised against limiting unnecessary damage.

Reduce Noise Levels

Consider turning down the volume on your TV or your music just a few decibels. Consistent exposure to loud noises over time will mean your hearing won't be as good as it once was. Avoid frequent visits to venues where the music is louder constantly and spend time with no noise around you when at home to help your ears recover from particularly loud events. 

Know The Warning Signs

Buzzing, ringing, pain, or immediate loss of hearing are all signs your ears have experienced trauma, and as such, you should always be aware of the damage these warning signs could be alerting you to.

If you experience any of the above symptoms consistently, you need to get your hearing checked for any damage as soon as possible.

Ensuring you are considerate when it comes to reducing damage to your hearing will pay dividends in the long term by helping you maintain your hearing for longer. Just a few small changes to your habits can help you in the future.

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