Tuesday, September 29, 2020

7 Ways to Get Your Home Ready for the Fall


The Colorado landscape is gorgeous this time of year, and it's no secret that more folks will want to spend more time enjoying the season. With more time being spent at home this year, it's important to ensure the safety and comfort of your fall guests by performing fall maintenance tasks. You can get your home ready for pumpkin spice season with these seven handy tips from Mountain Insurance.

1. Inspect your fireplace, dryer vent, and outdoor firepit.

It’s a good time to get your fireplace ready now that chilly nights are here. A local chimney sweep can clean and repair any cracks.  Assure your damper, gas lines, and hookups are clean and operating smoothly. They can check your dryer vent and outdoor firepit, too.

2. Check out your driveway, walkways, and railings.

After summer heat and busy outdoor activities, these areas around your home can show wear and tear. Seal up cracks and holes. That will prevent water from freezing and crumbling the concrete. It’s a good idea to tighten the railings while you’re at it. Crossing the driveway and walkway is a different story in the ice and snow!

3. Don’t forget to drain the outdoor faucets and water lines.

This is easy prevention. Who wants to come home to frozen faucets that burst and poured running water all over the house? Drain the lines. Turn off all faucets. Remove sprinklers and garden hoses and put them indoors.

4. Unclog the gutters and repair the downspouts.

It’s a good time to clean out the gutters once the colorful Colorado autumn leaves have fallen. You’ll want to be sure to tend to the downspouts, too. Any clogs can be the source of water spilling over and causing roof or siding damage.

5. Service your Furnace or Boiler.

Is your furnace or boiler making odd sounds? Now is the time to have a certified professional service for your unit. And make repairs to water leaks, pressure build-up, and other working parts in your heating system. A heating system that’s running smoothly will keep you and your family cozy and warm when the temperatures drop. And help lower energy costs.

6. Put new batteries in your safety detectors.

As the saying goes, “When you change your clock, change your batteries.” Check to see that carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are in working order. Put a fresh set of batteries in all of the units. While you’re at it, check the expiration date on all fire extinguishers. Replace any extinguisher that shows signs of damage, corrosion, or leaks. Make sure it’s fully charged.

7. Now’s a good time to check your home for radon.

Windows and doors tend to be closed more in the cooler season. It’s a good time of year to test for hidden levels of radon that may build up in your home. Use a certified contractor to test for radon levels according to EPA standards. The contractor can mitigate and remedy detected problems if any.

Preparations for a safe and comfortable home makes for an enjoyable fall season!

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