Thursday, July 9, 2020

What To Do When You’ve Been Injured at Work

Most of us head to work each day with a focus on the tasks, jobs, and responsibilities ahead of us. While work is never easy and often stressful, there is usually no need to worry about your safety in the workplace. There are measures and protocols in place to protect employees. 
Unfortunately, accidents in the workplace are quite common. In a busy environment, it’s easy to slip or fall, causing injury. In other circumstances, people fall victim to pure bad luck. Certain professions are more dangerous than others. Jobs such as logging, roofing, construction, and fishing have a higher accident rate. However, no jobs are free from the risk of an accident. 
An accident at work is something you never think will happen to you until it actually does. A significant injury can be life-altering, and can at least inhibit your ability to work and make a living. You should be informed on what to do if you’re involved in one. 
In the unfortunate event of a workplace accident, here are six steps that you need to take.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels.

Assess your injury
As soon as an accident occurs, you should concentrate fully on assessing and tending to any potential injuries. Your safety is the number one priority. Avoid causing further damage by moving or putting the injured areas under unnecessary pressure. 
Call out to a colleague, a passerby, or the emergency services for assistance. If there is an on-site medical kit, instruct someone to bring it and perform first-aid if it’s required.

Document the incident
With your own health and safety being the priority, the next course of action should be to document any evidence surrounding the incident. Take photos and videos, or have someone do so on your behalf. 
Take contact information from any witnesses or people involved in the accident. 
As soon as you are capable, write down your account of the accident. This could be very important for any future claim. The closer to the time of occurrence, the more accurate your account is likely to be.

Visit a doctor
Immediately after the accident, you should visit your doctor to make a professional assessment of your injuries. If your injuries are severe, call an ambulance or go straight to the ER. 
Ensure that the doctor writes an official, signed account of your injuries. 

Treat your injuries
No matter the extent of your ailments, it’s important that you take the necessary action to recover. Visit a chiropractor or therapist for specialized treatment. Stay disciplined and follow their instructions to minimize the longterm effects of the injuries. 

Monitor medical costs
Keep all receipts related to your medical costs, including appointments, therapy, and medication. If the accident was not your fault, you shouldn’t have to undertake the financial burden of recovery. 
In a future claim or agreement with your employer, having a record of your medical costs will make compensation much easier to receive. 

Consider legal action
If you are an innocent victim of an accident, you shouldn’t have to pay the long term price. Seek advice from a legal expert and decide whether or not you should pursue legal action. 
This might not be your ideal scenario, but you might need to take the legal route to receive compensation.

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