Wednesday, July 29, 2020

4 Home Projects for You and Your Family

Thinking about jazzing up your humble abode? Now is the perfect time to get household projects done, whether it be inside or outside. Most of us already have a list of tasks that need to be done around the house, but maybe haven’t had the motivation to do it alone or the money to hire a professional. How about instead of going solo this time, you invite your spouse and kids along for the ride? 

There are plenty of home projects that are family-friendly and won’t require a ton of expertise or expensive equipment. The more hands you have helping out, the faster projects will be completed. Plus, completing home projects together is a great way for families to spend quality time together. 

Here are four project ideas that won’t break the bank or add more debt to the ol’ mortgage estimator, but will add value to your property and provide the whole family with a bonding experience no one is likely to forget. 

Paint the walls 

Here’s a project that everyone can participate in, regardless of experience or skill. A fresh coat of paint can completely change any room. Roll up the carpet, move the furniture, and throw down a plastic sheet. Just like that, you won’t have to worry about anybody making a mess or spilling paint. No harm, no foul. And because painting is so easy, it doesn’t feel like work. If anything, it feels like making art, and everyone loves doing that. 

Best of all, when the job is done, the results are striking and unmissable, giving everyone involved a sense of accomplishment. Maybe you’ll choose to freshen up a room that hasn’t been repainted in a while with a new coat of a similar color or decide to go with a totally different shade and change your style. 

Build a playhouse 

Looking for a project that’s a little more involved? Here’s one your kids will get especially excited about: building a playhouse. This project might take more time and effort to finish, but it will be more than worth it. Whether in a tree or on the ground, if you enjoy taking on DIY home improvement projects, then building a playhouse is a great way of sharing that passion with your young ones, and maybe even instilling a similar passion in them. 

The simplicity of this project can help teach kids important construction fundamentals, and the end result is something they’ll have a lot of fun using over the years. Even when your kids are older, the playhouse can stand as a reminder of the fun you had together to build it. At some point, there may even be a new generation of kids who will love your homemade playhouse. 

Clean out clutter 

Sometimes the most necessary projects aren’t about adding more stuff to your home, but getting rid of old stuff you don’t need. We all have junk around the house, even if we try to hide it, but it’s only taking up valuable space. This can be boring and overwhelming when done alone. But with the family by your side, it becomes a lot easier. Suddenly all the clutter takes on a new life, becoming artifacts of the past that each holds cherished memories and interesting stories. 

Thankfully, if you start feeling too nostalgic, you’ll have someone right there to give you the honest truth about whether you should keep an item or chuck it. A lot of the clutter in your home is likely to belong to other family members, so it shouldn’t be up to just one person to get rid of everything. Have your family set up three different piles as you work your way through the clutter, one pile for things to keep, one for things to donate, and one for items that need to be tossed. 

Plant a garden 

On a nice day, the last place you want you to be is cooped up indoors. Planting a garden is a perfect project for spring and summer, allowing you to add some major improvements to your property while enjoying bright sunshine and blue skies. It’s also one of those projects where the end results are so gratifying to see, that it never feels like a chore. You can plant flowers, shrubs, or fruits and vegetables. There’s nothing better than eating a tasty treat made with your own homegrown berries. If you love fresh, organic produce, a garden can give you this right in your own backyard. 

Starting your garden can be a lot of fun and a great learning experience, but you’ll be able to keep enjoying this project all season long. Whether you’re buying plants to put in your garden or you’re growing everything from seed yourself, growing a garden is incredibly rewarding.

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