Wednesday, June 10, 2020

4 Tips to Stay Connected With Your Loved Ones During Lockdown

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels 

The lockdown has created challenges for all individuals, regardless of whether you are a mum working from home or a navigated entrepreneur. The travel restrictions and social-distancing measures we are dealing with today were unexpected and took many by surprises. So, you might have gotten stuck alone or lucky enough to share this time with your loved ones. And, for how tough this period can be for you, it is not easier for your daily and friends. Doing everything you can to let them know you are there in case they need support is essential. Start with the tips below! 

Make time for a virtual catch-up. 

You might not be able to meet your best friend for a coffee during these unusual times. However, doing everything you can to ensure they are happy and healthy is essential. Scheduling in a catch up once a week might seem a little gesture for you, but it can be life-changing for someone who is facing quarantine alone. 

These calls don't need to last hours or cover difficult subjects. They can be a way of checking in with your closest friends and family members. While it might be hard for you to find enough time to do so, remember that others might be alone at home or separated from their loved ones. A call can make all the difference!

Send presents

Being next to the people who are the closest to you during these tough times is essential, and some celebrations cannot be stopped because of the pandemic. If one of your friends has celebrated his or her birthday, anniversary, or wedding while isolating, sending a little present can help you connect while apart.

Whether you are looking for ice cream gift cards, flowers, pieces of jewelry, books, or their favorite cakes, everything can be sent online today. Everything you need to do is head over to the website you prefer and know friends' addresses. In some cases, everything you need is their email address! These might seem small gestures at first, but it can make it a lot easier to connect with them during these unusual times.

Plan a virtual dinner party

If you used to have regular meetings with your friends and family members before the pandemic, don't let the current situation prevent you from enjoying their company. Of course, you might not be able to visit your favorite bar or restaurant, but leveraging modern technologies can offer you a valid alternative. And it can give you the chance to try new things!

Scheduling a dinner party with your friends can be an excellent way to catch up and build memories while respecting all the social-distances in place today.

Make plans for the future

The pandemic - and the ensuing lockdown - might have stopped you from undertaking that trip that you were so much looking forward to. However, starting to make plans and projects with your friends can offer you something to look forward to during these times. Moreover, it can be an excellent way to stay in touch with your closest friends and keep you busy during these times.

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