Thursday, May 21, 2020

5 Ways to Stay Busy at Home on Lockdown

Feel like you’re losing your mind with boredom on lockdown? Most of us are in the same boat, so here are a few things to help you stay occupied and productive during these strange times. 

Whether you’re an absolute beginner or can already make professional-looking food items, this is a great way to get productive when you’re at home. You could create simple cakes and cookies with your kids, or perfect Parisian bakery treats, bread and pizza crusts. There are so many different projects and ideas you could try out, you won't be short on inspiration if you look online. Baking requires precision and you to follow recipes directly so it can be a great way for both kids and adults to learn new skills, and at the end of it you’re rewarded with something tasty!

Are you looking around the house and noticing all of the jobs that need to be done that you’ve been putting off for months? Why not seize the day and work through them? From hanging pictures and shelves to filling holes and cracks in walls, replacing broken tiles, painting and decorating or even making your own items from scratch. Just be careful using power tools if you’re not experienced with them, any personal injury lawyer will tell you that these kinds of things do malfunction which cause accidents- but in most cases it’s down to user error. Read the instructions and watch tutorials on how to use them before taking the plunge.

With the sun shining, it’s natural to want to get outside into the garden so why not make the most of your time out there? Start a little herb garden or grow some flowers, you could purchase a beginners greenhouse and grow some easy crops. While many kinds of fruits, flowers and vegetables need to be planted earlier in the year, there are still lots of options that you can try out now. Particularly if you purchase plants that have already been grown from seedlings, that way you can replant them and take over from there. 

Blogging is one of the best hobbies you can have. It builds skills, allows you to connect with likeminded people and can open up all kinds of opportunities from paid work to events to freebies and more. Best of all, it costs very little to get started, it can be done from home and it’s fun! It’s not something you can start and be bombarded with opportunities within a week, but stick with it and your hard work will pay off. 

Movie day
Finally, if you don't feel like being productive and just want to relax then why not kick back and have a movie day? Put your feet up and unwind either alone or with the family.

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