Wednesday, January 8, 2020

6 Ways To Document Your Memories

The older you get, the more things you have to remember and the more other memories start to fade. The big things that happen, often stay with you, but the little day to day things that make you smile are sometimes forgotten about. In the moment, you vow to remember it forever, but a few months later it might as well have never happened. There are ways that you can combat this and keep track of memories that you want to remember in the moment, so that you can look back at them in the future and give yourself something to smile at. You could even keep track of the exact age you were when certain events happened so you can reminisce about how far you have come. 

There is no correct way to journal. It is a collection of your thoughts, feelings and events of the day. You can even just write about whatever you want to at that time. You could decide that you are going to write in it at a specific time every day, or carry it around in your bag so that you can add to it whenever you feel like it. There are absolutely no rules! If you want it to look pretty, make it look pretty. If you want to scribble all over the pages, scribble all over the pages. Don’t worry about how everybody else's journal looks, because your journal is a way for you to relax and record things, it isn’t for anybody else to look at. 
If you don’t know how to start, you should aim to write one sentence a day or answer the same few questions and see how it develops from there. You can even set a reminder on your phone so that you remember to journal as it can be challenging to keep up with a habit when you first start to do something. There is no need, however, to feel guilty if you do forget or just don’t want to some days. 
Journaling and writing, in general, is an excellent way to remember things because you write about how you felt at the time, exactly what was going on, and what you could see, taste and smell. It can bring the memories flooding back to you in a way that just looking at a picture will not.
Journaling can not only be a great way to remember things about the everyday, but it can also have many benefits to you. It can help you slow down and take some dedicated me time. It can also help you to work out how you are actually feeling about things and give you time to work through issues and emotions that you need to. It may feel like just writing, but it can have a positive effect on your life. 

Blogging is slightly different from journaling because you are posting whatever you write online where anybody can see it. Blogging started off as a sort of online diary that people post to, but has branched out into other things; you can now choose if you want to use your blog for business or keep it personal. You could blog about anything you want, or you could decide to keep it to specific subjects. Maybe you travel a lot and want to keep track by writing about each trip or perhaps you want to document your days out with your kids
With a blog, it is easy to include pictures relevant to what you are writing, so when you can look back through your posts, you can look at the photos as well as what you have written. 
If you want to start a blog about your life or your hobbies, it could help you to connect with people who have similar interests to you. It can also be an excellent way to share while doing something that you love.

Scrapbooking is a great way to organise all your keepsakes and photos together into one place. In your scrapbook you can put tickets from shows, tickets from traveling to new places and other sentimental bits and pieces. Mixing these with photos from the same day or event will give you a clearer picture of what happened when you are flicking through. You can even write dates and information.
There is no right or wrong way to scrapbook. There are, however, a lot more things that you can buy to help and inspire you with scrapbooking. You can purchase scrapbook albums and a whole load of paper, tags, pocket and labels etc., to help you to come up with different ideas on how to display the items and photos in the book. It might be a good idea to walk around the scrapbooking section of a craft shop to inspire you. 
You can create scrapbooks of one-off special events, or it can be something that you continue to add to throughout the year. However you decide to scrapbook, it is nice to have something tangible that you can flick through to remind you of specific times and events. Photos get kept on our phones or in files on our computers to be forgotten about. By scrapbooking, we make sure that our memories are always to hand.

Posting photos online
This is a way that you can take all those photos that are sitting on your phone and use them. You can post them on websites like Facebook or Instagram or any other social media that you use with information about them. There are challenges that some people do, like posting a photo of their day for a whole year. Posting your photos can be something that you do privately for yourself to keep track of things that have happened, or publically with your friends. 

Yearly Diary/Planner
Your yearly planner is not just something that can be used to keep track of upcoming appointments and events, but it can also be used as a way to jot down things that have happened during the day. 
If you want to get fit, planners can be a great way to document your fitness journey. When you make progress, you can look back at what you could do when you first started, and compare it to what you can do now and feel proud of yourself. If you have a child, you could write down all the new little things they have learned each day. Children grow up so fast, so it can be hard to remember precisely when they first smiled at you or when their first tooth cut through. You don’t need to go into much detail, but just seeing how much has happened over the year will amaze you. Diaries can come in week view and day view, so you can pick a design that you like with as much space as you think you will need. If you don’t fancy using a diary, you could do the same thing with a calendar.  

Record 1 second of your day
One second may not seem like a long time, but you can get a good feel of your day from that second. This could be a great option if you don’t really like to write or don’t like the thought of uploading photographs to the internet. There are apps that can help you to document the short video and put them into a longer, more manageable video, preventing you from being overloaded by one-second videos saved individually to your phone. Some apps even give you the space to write an entry about what was happening at the time, so you have the option to write a little bit if you want too. If you have children, this could be a great way to document how much they have changed over the course of the year!

Take the time to document your memories
You are continually evolving as a person, and writing something at the time that it happens will capture the most accurate representation of what happened and how you were feeling at that moment. We will never remember anything completely without prompting. Reading something that you wrote a few years ago can feel like you are reading something written by a completely different person. We can witness our growth and see how far we have come. When we have goals that we hit, we often don’t appreciate them enough before we move onto something else, but if you can see how much you wanted something and remember that you managed to achieve it, it can give you the chance to feel proud. 

There are so many ways that you can document your memories that there is sure to be one that works for you. You don’t have to stick to any guidelines, and you can choose who sees them and whether you write, take pictures, videos or save small items, or do a mixture of everything! However you decide to record your memories, one thing is for sure, you will be happy that you did when you come to look back through them in years to come. 

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