Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How To Give Your Career A Boost In 2020

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

If 2020 is the year you need to give your career a boost, then it’s probably a good idea to start thinking about it and making a plan now. If you wait until the new year, you probably won’t do anything on New Year’s day, then you’ll probably wait until the next Monday, and it’ll already be a week into the New Year, and you won’t be off to your best start. However, allow yourself a little time to enjoy yourself by doing some pre-planning now and taking some steps now, so you’re ready to get going as soon as 2020 arrives. 

Know What You Want
This is the first step you need to work out. If you don’t know what it is that you want to achieve, then you better work it out and quick. Being vague and just thinking that you want to boost your career is not enough. You need to know what it is that you want to achieve, is it a new job? Is it a promotion? Success in a different industry? Find out as much as you can about various industries and jobs so that you’re sure about what it is you want.  

Speak To Someone Who Has Already Done It
There must be someone you know or know of that has gone through a career change, had a promotion or enjoyed some great success. Use this time of year to chat with people at parties and networking events and get some advice from someone who has achieved what it is that you want to achieve. Just have an informal conversation but enough to allow you to define a suitable strategy, find out which obstacles they have overcome and gather as much vital information as you can.

Rework your CV
Even if you think your CV is perfect, if you want to give your career a boost, then it’s time to refresh it. According to a blog about CV Writing Refresher Tips on Practice Match, keep in mind that many recruiters are looking for crucial information on your CV such as work history, so you want to make it easy for them to find. 

Think About Who You Know
Make a list of all the people who could help you. Pinpoint those people who are active in the sector you are targeting and also talk to those around you who may know people. Perhaps a friend knows someone that could put you in touch with the right person to help you. Again, use the parties at this time of year to make the most of the people you know and also to expand your network. 

Educate yourself
Never stop learning; never stop reading and never stop listening. If you are serious about your career, then you should attend training courses and workshops to keep up to date with the trends in your profession or the one you want to break into. Read the news and any stories about trends that can impact the industry too and watch TED talks and other educational videos that may help you. Keep up to date and have a keen interest. 

Use social networks
Adapt your professional profile on LinkedIn and subscribe to groups in your targeted domain and publish relevant articles on your page.

Volunteer for big projects
Volunteering for projects in the company you currently work for will help you to build your portfolio for future promotions. If you’re looking to break into a new industry though, you’re trying to get your first job or make a career change; then you can also look at volunteering opportunities outside of work. Having these on your CV will help and set you apart from your competition. 

Develop Your Soft Skills
While everyone is concentrating on their digital skills, it is just as important or even more so to develop your soft skills. Being able to communicate clearly and establish relationships and trust contributes significantly to professional success. The capacity to listen, making a presentation, dealing with complaints or handling negotiations are all beneficial skills to have and to continue to practice. Also give some focus to your time and stress management skills, collaboration, teamwork, building rapport and customer care. It is soft skills that usually make more of a difference than the technical ones, for example, when it comes down to who gets hired and who gets fired, who wins a sale’s competition, who is good at customer retention and who has effective leadership skills, it is all down to the soft skills. 

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