Thursday, September 12, 2019

Three Reasons You're Holding Back from Traveling (and Three Better Reasons to Pack Up And Go)

Many people who used to travel a lot when they were younger end up giving up on their passion because of the pressures of modern life. Whether it's for work or ideological reasons, here are some of the most common factors that stop people traveling.

But are they good reasons? Not always. If you miss your foot-loose travel days, it may be high time you dusted off your suitcase.

Image Source: Pexels CC0 Licence

Travel is Expensive

Budgetary constraints are one of the main factors that stop people from heading off on adventures when the mood takes them. It does make sense that once people get older, and their lives become more settled, they have less financial freedom. When you have kids and a mortgage, it becomes less and less likely that you'll splurge on flights for the whole family to Brazil, or a boat trip around the Galapagos islands. But while this argument holds some water, it's important to recognize that travel does not have to be terribly expensive.

If you're looking at Instagram as your only source of travel inspiration, you'd be forgiven for assuming that you have to be rich to travel, but this is not the case. Firstly, it depends where you go: Bangkok is guaranteed to be cheaper than New York. Secondly, business class flights, expensive hotels, and restaurants are only one way to see the world, and traveling in style isn't necessarily better than traveling on a shoestring. In fact, living like a local, eating street food and using public transport will mean you have a much more authentic and memorable experience.

Travel is Bad For The Environment

These days, people have become more aware of the environmental impact of their travel footprint, and this is a good thing. While it is true that air miles add up, it's important to recognize that without tourism, many of the world's natural treasures would have been spoiled a long time ago. Tourism is one of the main sources of funding for conservation efforts around the world, so if you're worried about the ecological impact in Galapagos, it's worth reminding yourself that tourism to the region can be sustainable. A similar logic applies to your African safari: the money you pay to see those incredible animals in their natural habitat plays a crucial role in the conservation efforts required for their continued survival.

Image Source: Pexels CC0 Licence 

My Career Will Suffer

Sometimes you go away for a week and find the destination of your dreams and just want to stay. But you can’t quit your job. Or can you? When someone advises you that taking time out to go travelling might be the end of your career, they are simply misinformed. Believe it or not, an extended globe-trotting period can actually enhance your resume and give you an edge over people who have stayed home, working hard, but failing to gain other experience. When you arrive back home and re-enter the job market, the incredible experiences you've had (and the challenges had to overcome with creativity and foresight) will stand you in good stead. Far from holding you back, your travel experiences will have broadened your perspective on the world, which will come across in an interview. So go and enjoy your travel, and get ready to be highly sought after when you get back!

Whether you want to travel for a week or a year, adult life poses many barriers to setting off on your adventure. These common reasons might help you work out what's really stopping you.

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