Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Designing a Backyard Your Family Can Enjoy This Autumn

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Having a backyard is the biggest positive when it comes to owning a house. Some would even argue that it’s the most important part of their home. It’s hard not to agree when you consider all the benefits of having a backyard. You get an outdoor space all to yourself and you can design it however you please.

The best part is that you and your family can spend some quality time in your backyard. With some attractive modifications and design decisions, you can turn it into a personal oasis in preparation for autumn. Here are some of the best changes you can introduce to your backyard.

1.     A fire pit

There's nothing comfier than roasting marshmallows by the fire. Telling stories and relaxing while the fire keeps you warm, what could be better? You don't have to go camping or take a hike to enjoy this kind of luxury. It's something you can easily afford for your backyard, as long as you know what you're doing.

A DIY fire pit would add a lot of charm to your backyard, and it’s not too difficult to set up. You just need a bunch of rocks and a clear space with no plants. After all, you don’t want something outside of the pit to catch fire. If you need a dedicated fire pit, you could get some nice stone blocks to build one. A couple seats around it couldn’t hurt, either.

2.     Pool lights

You might not be able to enjoy a dip in the pool throughout the year, but you can still enjoy a nice view in your backyard. At night, you might not be able to get the full viewing experience that the pool normally provides. Not to worry, though, you can always introduce lights to remedy this.

Pool lights are an extremely popular addition to any luxurious backyard. They give you a light show that is worth looking at. All you need to decide on are the type of lights you want to use. Most experts would recommend LED lights. They're the most efficient lighting you can use in your backyard. They use very little electricity and they can endure temperature changes well.

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3.     Add some more color

Autumn is the perfect time to add some color to your backyard. Nature is already heading in that direction. The fall leaves can give you an interesting backdrop to add a touch of your own taste. Your patio furniture could use some colorful additions.

It’s not without reason that autumn is also called “fall”. There is a lot of rainfall during this season. This might not bode well for your patio furniture. You don’t want your gorgeous pieces to end up wet and dusty during autumn storms.

A couple of colorful tarps would add some personality to your patio. Any time there's heavy rainfall, you can just cover your furniture. You don't have to worry about the rain anymore and you can enjoy a colorful addition to your patio.

4.     Think ahead with gardening

Now that summer is over, you might think that you’re done with gardening until you start seeing signs of spring. Leave this line of thinking to amateur gardeners. Autumn is the perfect time to start creating your ideal garden from scratch. The weather is a lot cooler and more manageable than it was in the summer, so it’s time to get to work.

It’s time to start planting your ideal spring-blooming blooms. Use them to fill the edges of perennial borders. Choose your colors wisely. Consider your backyard furniture and accessories before you start planting flowers willy-nilly. You want to create a gorgeous view in your garden, not just make a mish-mash of pretty colors.

Autumn is a good time to plan for some gorgeous springtime fragrances. Plant a couple of hyacinth or daffodils right at the entrance to the backyard. This way you’ll wake up every morning with the smell of nature surrounding you.

5.     Protect your patio

There’s nothing like having a bit of coffee and spending time with your family on your patio. Autumn is the perfect season for some leisurely outdoor relaxation. The temperature is usually just right. However, early autumn can prove to be a bit too similar to the summer at certain times of the day. When it gets a little too hot, you can’t really enjoy spending time on your patio.

However, you shouldn’t let the sun get you down. You can always install some protection from the sun to keep you cool. Some folding arm awnings might do the trick. It’s even more convenient if you can move the covers once the weather becomes more tolerable. Then you can enjoy any kind of day you please.

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6.     Install a hammock

Everyone likes relaxing in their backyard from time to time. There’s nothing better than reading a good book while enjoying some fresh air outside. It really helps stimulate the imagination. Is it even possible to make it more comfortable than it already is? You bet.

A hammock would make a good addition to your backyard. You can use it to lounge around while the days are still warm and cozy. You can even enjoy a quick outdoor nap when you feel like it. It’s one of the more comfortable accessories you can have in your backyard.

You might be wondering how you can install one without two trees. However, modern hammocks can be installed just about anywhere. You can add a custom pole to hold one end while a tree or your home holds the other one. It's not as complicated as it looks, either. All you have to do is tie the ends at the same height and voila, you have a hammock.


There’s nothing quite like spending some quality time in the backyard with your family. You should strive towards creating a Zen backyard where you can relax and have some time to breathe. It’s not as difficult as it sounds. Consider some of these ideas for your backyard and you’ll end up with a personal oasis that will be the envy of all your neighbors.

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