Monday, August 19, 2019

The Benefits of Blogs in Your Marketing Campaign

                    The digital marketing field continues to innovate and create new techniques to reach wider audiences, from mobile marketing to augmented reality. However, an old-fashioned technique that brings potential new customers to both big and small businesses is content marketing, particularly through a dedicated blog. In fact, 37% of marketers believe it is the most important tactic. Blogging remains a reliable form of digital marketing that comes with numerous benefits to any participating business.

Establishing Expertise

The primary purpose of these blog entries is to inform readers on topics and subjects of their interest. If a visitor is interested in a product, event or subject, well-researched and expertly-written blog entries will educate them and establish the hosting company as an expert in the industry. Not only will this approach guarantee more visitors that seek further information, but it will establish legitimacy trust on the business. Eyal Gutentag's ZipRecruiter blog page, for example, provides useful, relevant information, such as job market forecasts.

Increasing Engagement

The continuous creation of blog content on a weekly basis will encourage readers to visit the page more often. Outdated content will give the impression that the business does not care to maintain the page and may be no longer in business. An active blog gives the reader an incentive to visit more often. Additionally, new, fresh blog content is ideal for search engine optimization, which further increases exposure to the page and the business.  

Boosting Exposure

Blog marketing does not just bring attention to the company through renewed interest and SEO alone. Social media is greatly compatible with blogging. A business's social media page can make new posts that link and announce a blog entry, keeping followers updated. Additionally, blogs with social media capabilities can be shared by interested users who find it helpful to their friends, family and acquaintances, boosting visitors and views.

Despite being an older marketing method, blogging can adapt to bring more eyes to a website. It establishes a business's reputation and increases visibility in ways no other method can.


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