Thursday, April 18, 2019

Avoid The 4 Most Commons Vacation Injuries

If you’re in the midst of planning your summer holiday, you’ve probably set a list of the things you’d love to do and see. Some holidaymakers can’t get enough of the beach and sea, while others prefer the appeal of fresh mountain air. As you compare the accommodations and activities available, you check that they match your criteria:
  • Suitable for young children
  • Does the hotel have a separate spa for the days when you just want to relax?
  • Included airport transport
  • All meals included
  • Sports equipment available for hire
  • Etc.
Ultimately, making sure you can plan the best possible holiday requires a lot of preps, checking and double-checking. But don’t think your job as a holiday organizer is already over. You need to keep your family safe from vacation injuries and diseases too:

Active holidays are not for everyone
When you have healthy and enthusiastic kids, you might be tempted to book a sporty holiday for everyone. Ultimately, while holidays are designed for relaxing and de-stressing, it doesn’t mean you have to stay idle. However, whether you want to go hiking, cycling or kayaking, you need to consider the risks of each activity. Inexperienced children could come to harm when they’re stuck performing skills they haven’t yet fully mastered. Do take into consideration everybody’s fitness and skill levels before making a decision. Sometimes, a less exciting option might be the safest plan.

The unsafe hotel
You might have picked a comfortable and luxurious hotel, but what is it isn’t safe? In recent months, many articles have surfaced relating to accidental deaths and injuries in hotels all over the world. Hotels in other touristic locations, such as the Solaris Hotel in Cancun, can struggle with potential health and safety failures. Slips, falls, and other injuries in international hotels can often be blamed on H&S discrepancies and lack of common sense. While you have a legal resort if you find yourself in this position – you can find support with professionals such as The Hadley Law Firm –, it is best to avoid the issue at all. Choose your accommodation wisely!

You’re just tired of hearing about sunscreen
Sunscreen, sunscreen. Who needs sunscreen anymore? Unfortunately, many Millennials have grown bored of hearing about SPF lotion and have decided to go with as little as they can afford. In reality, skin cancer remains a high risk when being exposed to direct sunlight. Countless holidaymakers get a sunburn within the first few hours of their vacation, which makes them more vulnerable for complications. According to the Environment Working Group, SPF 50 is the most effective protection, so pack a tube in your beach bag!

Wait, is this food even clean?
When visiting a foreign country, be cautious about what you eat. Drinking unfiltered water can expose you to bacteria and parasites. Additionally, if you’re going to buy street food, pay close attention to the way it is prepared. You don’t want to end up with food poisoning from a yummy snack that might not have been cleaned or cooked properly.

Everybody loves to relax during their holiday. But if you’re not careful, you could put yourself and your family at risk. From choosing a safe hotel to avoiding complex activities, you can keep everyone happy and healthy!

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