Friday, March 29, 2019

How to Manage Anxiety Without Medication

Anxiety can be crippling if you’re dealing with it on a regular basis. It can make you feel like avoiding social situations, completing simple tasks or even going into work. If anxiety is an issue for you, you’re probably searching for ways to manage it. Of course, it’s always best to get a medical opinion when you’re suffering from anxiety but there are some ways to manage it without medication. Take a look below.

Vitamin B6 and Iron

Many people who suffer from anxiety are deficient in B6 and Iron. It’s worth asking your doctor to check if you have a deficiency. Both are essential for the production of serotonin in the body, which is also known as the happy hormone. The production of serotonin can help you to think more positively or develop natural coping strategies for negative thoughts. Iron will also help to boost your energy levels which helps you deal with life’s problems when they arise.

Breathing Exercises

Bouts of anxiety can often result in panic attacks. If you suffer from a panic attack, you may find it difficult to breathe from time to time. Learning some simple breathing exercises could help you to manage these types of attacks. For example, diaphragmatic breathing teaches you to inhale and exhale from the stomach instead of the chest. Concentrate on your stomach and think of it as a balloon inflating and deflating. Take long and slow breathes until you feel yourself calming down.

Smoking and Drinking

Smoking and drinking can add to the problems created by anxiety and depression. It can seem like a relief when someone with anxiety smokes a cigarette or drinks some alcohol, but neither of these are good for the body or mind in the long run. If you find the task of giving up smoking too much to handle, using disposable CBD vape pens instead could actually benefit your anxiety and stress levels. Drinking alcohol can have a damaging effect on the mind, especially if you’re prone to periods of depression. Try and limit the amount you drink to one glass per night.

This Too Shall Pass

The key to remaining calm during an anxiety or panic attack is to remember that it will eventually pass. Many people who suffer from anxiety attacks panic and it can feel like it’s never ending. Of course, no-one wants to suffer from these types of attacks at all, but if you do, you must remember that they won’t last forever. Try and use your coping methods until the attack has passed. If it helps, write down your coping mechanisms and keep the list with you at all times. It can be difficult to recall anything when you’re in the midst of an anxiety attack.

Drink Less Caffeine

When you’ve got a lot on your plate, caffeine can get you through the day. However, if you suffer from anxiety attacks, you may want to limit the amount your drink. Caffeine is a stimulant for the central nervous system which triggers your fight or flight response. As someone who suffers from anxiety, stimulating your central nervous system could result in more or worse anxiety attacks. Research suggests that sufferers of anxiety should limit their caffeine intake to two cups of coffee per day.

Find Time to Laugh

They say laughter is the best medicine, and when it comes to anxiety, they aren’t far wrong. Laughter is a natural energy booster and mood changer. Sitting down and watching your favourite comedian or spending time with friends who always make you laugh is a great way to combat anxiety. Even if your anxiety doesn’t improve, it’s a great way to distract yourself from the symptoms you suffer with on a day to day basis.

Adult Coloring Books

When you want to manage anxiety, you need to find activities that you find calming. Adult coloring books are a fantastic way to distract yourself and they have a wonderful calming effect. Anxiety often creeps up on you when you’re feeling under pressure or stressed. Using a coloring book is a good way to forget about responsibilities and clear your mind for a while.


Physical activity has been proven to reduce the symptoms of anxiety. Just twenty minutes of moderate exercise a day can improve your symptoms. If you take part in exercise outdoors, it’s even better. The combination of exercise, fresh air and sunlight will help you combat any attacks and increase the endorphins in your body.

Anxiety is never easy to beat, but you can try and manage it.

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