Sunday, February 24, 2019

Dill Chicken Broccoli Braid Recipe

*Originally posted August 10, 2012, but today I'm working on this book down here, and I'm going to figure out how to make this chicken broccoli braid a quick one so it will fit in with the cool kids in the busy cookbook.

You can call me Kerrie Childs if you want. Or Kerrie Stewart. Or Kerrie Ray. Or Kerrie [fill in the blank of a famous cook, chef or cool person]. Today I'm going to share one of my favorite recipes with you. It is not light. It's kinda healthy. You can make it light. You can make it healthier.

Cube 3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts and cook them in some olive oil and garlic til they are done.

Toss 'em in a big bowl. To the bowl, add like 2 cups of cheddar cheese, 1 package of frozen broccoli, 1/2 cup mayo, 1 brick of cream cheese (light) and a little salt and pepper and maybe some dill. You can use asparagus or spinach instead of broccoli. Substitutes are acceptable at my house and yours.

This is what your mixture will resemble.

Bust out 2 tubes of crescent rolls and lay them side by side on a big cookie sheet.

Roll the first one out like this and pinch the seams together.

Splat on your mixture like so.

Bundle it up like a baby. Yeah, I know it's called a BRAID, but have you ever tried actually braiding one of these bad boys? It's hard, and I'm lazy and easily frustrated with food. Mine would end up across the room ... again.
Cook it for like maybe 15 minutes (?, just watch it so it does not burn!) at 300 degrees. You might want to put some foil on top so it does not burn. Otherwise you end up with a burnt top, a kindof done bottom and some doughy insides, trust me. But maybe that's just my 1960s oven?
Yeah, I still haven't finished scraping off the paint I started like 7 months ago.

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