Saturday, November 24, 2018

Hoping for a Christmas Proposal? Here's How to Celebrate in Style

Celebrate your news in style. Image via Pexels.

It’s a magical time of year - one that's all about togetherness, love, family and making magical memories.
And if you and your partner have been together a while, you may well be hoping that there is one extra
special present under the tree - an engagement ring! Or you could be planning to ask a special question
yourself underneath the mistletoe, excitedly planning and looking at all the celebrity engagements 2018.
If you do get engaged at Christmas, it will undoubtedly make the day extra special. However, sometimes
it can feel as if your life-changing news gets a little caught up on the tide of general festivities. So instead
of bundling it in with the Christmas and New Year celebrations, plan a unique way to celebrate your
engagement that is personal to you, once the festive fuss has died down. Here are some ideas on how
to celebrate your news:

Book In A Photo Shoot

Marking a milestone life event, it's a lovely idea to book a photographer to take some engagement pictures
to share with your loved ones and keep the memory for you. Winter provides some lovely opportunities
for romantic cozy settings - or even some snow and sparking frost if you're lucky! Doing an engagement
photo shoot is a great way to have a trial run with the photographer you're considering for your big day -
make sure you are comfortable around them, and that you like the way the pictures come out. It also
gives you a stock of images to use for your wedding website, engagement announcement or save the
date cards.

Recreate Your First Date

If all the winter festivities mean that you've spent a lot of time with friends and family but not a lot just the
two of you, it's nice to take the to celebrate together. Remember where your first date or the place you
met was, and plan something there. Revisiting the past is a lovely way to remind you each why you fell
for each other in the first place. Don't be afraid to get a little sentimental and share memories about the
start of your relationship to help you appreciate the moment.

Get Pampered

Your new year bridal beauty regime starts now! All of us want to look out best for our big day, but really
making big changes to our bodies, skin etc can take time. So get started on your regime early in the New
Year to give you plenty of time. All the festivities can leave you bloated, low energy, and with unwanted
extra pounds or dull, congested skin from the unhealthy living you've been indulging in over the holidays,
so get ahead of the game and start to tackle it now. Booking in for a few spa treatments to kick off 2019
is a lovely way to get on a roll with it, and you can usually find some great January deals on in salons, or
reduced price pampering products in store if you want to do a little DIY. And you'll need a nice manicure
as you'll be showing your hands off to everyone with your engagement ring.

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