Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Everything You Need To Know To Get Through A Hospital Stay

For most of us, needing to spend a few nights in hospital is something that we never want to do. Even
if it is for a minor ailment that can be easily remedied, the thought of spending time in a hospital is still
enough to scare and worry people. And that is usually all because people have many negative
associations with hospitals and illness. They might start to fear the worse when they are told they will
need to be admitted to hospital. That’s not all, though, as there are many stories of people disliking
their time in hospital because of it being uncomfortable or because they have had a bad experience
with their doctors and nurses.

However, staying in a hospital for more than one night doesn’t have to be such a daunting experience.
As long as you prepare well and are aware of what to expect, then you should find that staying in hospital
isn’t half as bad as what you might think.

To help you prepare for your time there and to ensure that you look after yourself as well as can be
while you are in hospital, I thought it would be wise writing up this ultimate guide to staying in hospital.
It’s full of some really useful tips that will help you recover as quickly as possible and stay comfortable
while on the ward.

If You Don’t Like Your Doctor, Ask For A Different One

One of the main people who you will be dealing with while in the hospital will be your doctor. He or she
will be your main point of call for all things health related, and they will help you throughout each stage
of your recovery. Unfortunately, though, not everyone always gets on with their doctor as well as they
should. For some people, this can be one reason why they don’t enjoy their hospital stay. In some
extreme cases, it can even cause friction, and might result in the patient wanting to check themselves
out of hospital before they are 100% ready to leave. Thankfully, though, you don’t need to put up with
a doctor who you don’t like or get on with. If you would rather change and see someone else, it’s
perfectly acceptable for you to ask about it. This actually happens a lot more than what you might think.
At the end of the day, though, it’s in the hospital’s best interest to change doctors if a patient requests
it as it will prevent them from getting bad reviews online.

Always Eat Something

When you are in hospital, you will need to eat as much as you can so that your body has enough
energy for the recovery process. Unfortunately, though, hospitals have got quite a bad reputation for
their food over the past few decades. That’s no excuse not to eat something, though. It’s really important
that you keep your strength up with plenty of food. Thankfully, most hospitals are aware of the problem
with their food and are currently trying hard to improve the quality and portion sizes. So, you might
actually be very impressed by the standard of food on your ward.

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Don’t Take In Your Own Food

Some people prefer to take their own food into hospital with them as they think that it will be tastier than
what they are given as part of their hospital meals. However, this actually isn’t a very good idea. That’s
because all of the meals that you are served in hospital will have been carefully planned out to ensure
that your body is provided with all the necessary nutrients it needs to heal and recover in full. Not only
that, though, but hospital meals are usually carefully controlled so that the portions aren’t too calorific.
If you take in your own food to eat, you might not get all the right nutrients to aid your illness, and you
might also end up consuming too many calories and putting on weight.

Get To Know Your Nurses

As well as your doctor, you will come into contact with a lot of nurses during your time in hospital. In
some cases, you might even end up spending more time with nurses than your doctor. So, it’s always
important to be polite and friendly with them. That way, you will all get along a lot better, and that will
make your hospital stay a little bit easier. After all, it’s always best to be friendly with your nurse and
have a laugh with them rather than being stone-faced.

Bring Your Own Pillow

Even though I’ve already mentioned that you shouldn’t take your own food with you into hospital, there
is actually one thing that you should consider taking with you - and that is your pillow! You will need to
get as much sleep as you can every night you are in hospital, as this will help you recover and regain
your strength. If you don’t feel particularly comfortable on the pillow on your hospital bed, then you could
have real trouble trying to drop off every night. So, it’s always worth taking a pillow in with you that you
are familiar with and that can help you sleep peacefully every night.

Don’t Forget Your Own Toiletries

It’s also wise to take in your own toiletries with you. Sure, staying in a hospital is just like staying in a
hotel as you will be given some free toiletries, such as toothbrush and shampoo. But it’s always best to
try in your own. In fact, hospital toiletries often get complained about quite a bit. Lotions and moisturizers
can often seem watery and tissues and the toilet paper are never the softest. So, be sure to take any
bathroom necessities with you so that you don’t have to worry about them during your stay.

Keep A Record Of Every Conversation

There are often a lot of compensation cases filed with regard to staying in hospitals.
Unique wrongful death cases and malpractice cases are some of the most common ones.
Hopefully, you will never need to claim for any of this kind of compensation, but it’s still wise
to keep good records of your time in hospital just in case. At the very least, you should make
a note of each conversation that you have with a nurse or doctor as these can be then used as
evidence if you ever do need to go to court over your stay in hospital.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Anything You Need

You never know what you might need while you are in hospital. No matter what it is, though, you
shouldn’t feel bad about asking to see if your doctors or nurses will be able to get you it. One thing
that some people regularly ask for is a rollaway bed so that a family member can stay with them
overnight. More often than not, practical requests like this one will be granted. Keep in mind that
you won’t get something if you don’t ask about it, so it’s always worth asking to see what you can
get. After all, the worst that can happen is that someone will say no.

Get Out Of Bed As Often As You Can

Even though you might not feel like it, it’s important to get out of bed as often as you can and move
about as much as possible. This is important as it will help your muscles keep working and strengthen
up appropriately. If you do just stay in bed all the time, then you might find that your muscles actually
weaken, and this could even slow down your overall recovery period. So, be sure to get out of bed as
often as you can. Even if you just go for a short walk around your ward or to the hospital cafe, it is
better than not using your legs at all!

Ask To Sleep Undisturbed

Depending on your illness or ailment, the nurses might need to wake you up a few times
through the night to check your vital signs are all OK. As you can probably tell, this will be really
disruptive to your sleep and can leave you very tired during the day. However, if you feel fine
then you might be able to request to sleep undisturbed through the nights. Your doctors will have
to check you out first before they allow this to make sure that you aren’t in any danger when left
though the night.

Ask To See A Therapy Animal

Did you know that most hospitals now use therapy animals to cheer up their patients? Lots of research
and studies have shown that using animals in hospitals can help patients de-stress and deal better with
their anxieties. You might be amazed by just how much you can relax while you are petting a cute dog!

Hopefully, all of these tips can help you survive your hospital stay as comfortably as you possibly can.
And that should help you recover as quickly as possible!

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